
Those are 5 schools of thought, 2 schools of theology, and 1 restoration movement that represent diversity within Sunni Islam.


I am Muslims, and in reality hanafi and hanbali and maliki and chafii are the same thing they're all people of sunna and salafi is not a group, someone called salafi is someone who follow the sunna of prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) and understanding it by the acts of salaf which is an Arabic word means the predecessors (the sahaba and who lived in their time) and in reality all hanafi and shafii and hanbali and maliki follow salaf


when you  learn about islam from the media :


4 Madhab of Fiqh: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii & Hanbali
Schools of Aqeeda: Ashari, Maturidi, Athari


Clarification : most of muslims doesn't consider themselves to be following any of those... they are just muslims. The idea is that those are schools, so for a student to be a scholar he needs to study based on a methodology, and those methodologies comes to an origin that is mainly one of the four Imams. We pray together in the same mosque beside each other in the same line and behind one Imam.


this is not a type, these are schools of thought. Your "typing" can cause huge implications and friction among Muslims. These Muslims are all one faith with difference in jurisprudence etc, not another type of religion


There is a difference between a school of methodology, a school of theology and a school of jurisprudence. There is no extremism in Salafi Islam, its all propaganda and Salafis have spoken against Kharijite groups.



I am Muslim. These groups aren't actually different groups. 
They are all the same. There are only tiny differences between them in some areas which there were no proof from Quran or Sunnah❤


Qur'an 30:31-32, Islam strictly forbids dividing into sects and groups. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said his Ummah will split into 73 sects and all of them will be misguided except the righteous people, the MUSLIM people.

he said his Ummah will divide into sects which came true, but he NEVER told us to do it. which dividing into sects clearly contradicts the Qur'an. be a Muslim, don't call yourself a part of these manmade sects and group. (source: Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 42, Hadith 4597)


You failed to differentiate Salafism and Khawarij. ISIS is Khawarij. Salafism teaching in particular, prohibited to do a coup, opposite of what ISIS had done. Salafism never tell to kill non muslim and always respected the Country Leader and follow their rules, unless they prohibited you doing things like 5 times prayer, Ramadhan fasting and other compulsory things in Islam. Salafism also allow you to make friends/trade/receive or sending gift with non muslim, like prophet Muhammad PBUH done with Jews and Christian. But Salafism never congratulate to their religious day.


I wouldn't call it groups or sects as they are all Sunnis, but rather schools of thought and jurisprudence.

At the end of the day we all follow Quran and sunnah of the prophet and his family.


Allah says in Surah An'an verse 159, 
"Indeed, you ˹O Prophet˺ are not responsible whatsoever for those who have divided their faith and split into sects. Their judgment rests only with Allah. And He will inform them of what they used to do."


It's not types of Islam. These are shcools of thought. All these people were scholars and all of them were righteous.


I'm a Hanafi myself and It is the most peaceful school of thought in my opinion 😅 proud to be a Muslim ❤


These are not Sects or Types . These are school of thoughts which have some little difference in Jurispidence . All are considered muslims and believe in unity .


As an Indonesian, I say it is about school of thinking, not denominations.


I’m a proud Athari Hanbali Salafi


Bro what the hell you mean by "8 types of islam"😂 its not "types" of islam


Im Muslim. My Manjab is Salafi, Aqidah Athari and School of Thought Hanbali. May Allah guide us to the true path of Islam.


I think there is some confusion in this video.
Some are school of thoughts and others are movements. For example you can be Salafi and also be Hanafi.