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To innovate a new product, just look at the products you use and ask what are the one or two things you wish was different about that product.
    That is gold right there!


Thank you so much for having me! Eat more Sour Strips! Wooooof


Watching from Australia and I’m so inspired.  In my 50’s and starting a t-shirt side gig.  Got tired of life passing me by so I thought, fuck it, I’m going to give this a crack.  6 weeks since going live and no sales but I’m prepared to give my everything for at least 5 years.  Wish me luck 👍🏻👍🏻


Maxx is a good guy that works his ass off. Glad hes found success.


I love Maxx isn't the type to pretend to be some "alpha bro" bull💩. Doesn't talk cliché, nonsensical hustle culture. Has doubts, shows vulnerabilities and figures it out. Admits mistakes and learns. Solid dude.


I think one of the most important things from the video is that this business was not his first rodeo, he was involved with many business ideas with varying successes or failures, he also used the skills he learned from his other side hustles to grow his 'jackpot' project/business.


Maxx Chewning rocks! He's got one of the sickest YouTube channel, been following him for years.


If I could give this interview, two thumbs up I would. There are  a lot of gems in it. Thank you for your knowledge, expertise , time and interview. Well done, well received. ❤


I liked what he said about not being afraid of larger companies. As competition increases in my space, I am not afraid because larger companies can't offer personalized care like we do. Bigger companies can't execute as good as smaller companies.


Truly inspiring. A normal guy showing us all that is possible! Great video and amazing story!


Been following Maxx for so long.  This was such a well thought out, fun and informative video.


Max dropped soooo much gems in this episode!!!


It would have been nice to know about his first steps from day one, specifically how he spent his first marketing dollars and how he managed to get his products into the first retail stores. He is one of my favorite guests.


Huge thing I notice here is buddy is marketing genius . He markets and built a business. Second take away is you don’t need to be smart in school to be successful in life.  He’s not successful cause his candy is the best , he’s successful because his marketing is the best (and branding). Keep that in mind.


"If you have an idea you do not have to have it all planned out, you just need to start."
Thank you for the reminder. Time to crush it!


crazy to see Sour Strips' growth from small idea to needing massive warehouse space in just a couple years


"It is about solving a problem... Finding a problem and creating a solution".  I enjoyed watching this.


Watching Max wayback. His business is growing because of hard work, vision and his marketing on his channel.  Well deserved.


This man has a good attitude. He deserves his success.