Christopher Reeve at the end was a classy touch. Really glad you did that.
Justice League Zack Snyder cut. Superman entrance saving cyborg was a way better God mode. Stoping the axe and just manhandling darksides henchmen was top shelf my boy
Superman at #1 seemed fitting. His fury at Lois’s death had me in tears and awe.
Would have liked the video more if you had Reeve’s chilling rage scream before turning back time or at least thrown in Cavill’s resurrection and him causally defeating the entire Justice Leauge
Hell yea, Reaave was a suprise, but definitely deserved. One of the highlights of my childhood. TBH, it is the first time I started to believe that possibilities were endless.
@13:59, THAT's the power I would want. I've thought about it and I am convinced that the greater part of the Old Testament's Samson's strength was his speed, not just physical strength.
Just that you recogniced that Reeves as Superman was first back in 78'.. makes me a bit more happy
I get this was more about fight scenes. But when Loki becomes God of Stories at the end of Loki season 2, that's about as God mode as it gets.
Superheroes and super villains will always rock! Thanks for sharing!
When Dr. Strange and Thanos met, I did not see why, when they put him to sleep, that Strange did not open a portal with his sling ring and slide it over Thanos' hand and close the portal. Boom, stones no longer in his possession. They would be where Strange had opened a portal to. It could have been into the heart of a star where no one could grab them anymore!
Thanos taking Hulk to the cleaners should be here. I haven't heard silence like that in the theater ever again
I wish you could just play the scenes, in their entirety, and quit talking. Just my opinion.
Real reason both the Hulk and Thanos took heavy damage and Tony died from the snap is because they never heeded the lesson of the Nightshades, as the Addam’s Family had. Snap twice. The first to protect you from the effects of the second.
Seeing Optimus like that in Dark Side of the Moon really shows what he was like on Cybertron during the war
X Men The Last Stand has much better representation of Wolverines power when Jean Grey as The Phoenix is disintegrating everything but he is literally healing faster than she can kill him.
Halfway through I was thinking if reeves's reversing the earths rotation isnt on here , somethings wrong. how happy i was it was the winner and very unexpected by that point
BatFleck is the best... perfect. All the BatFleck appearances need a video of it's own.
Batman Fight in a Warehouse Scene will always be my favourite scene, the way it was choreographed bellissimo.
Bro I didn't know you had this channel! I've subscribed! 👍🏾💪🏾