Inflation is caused by the Federal government spending more than it earns, because they just print more money to make up the difference. To solve inflation, reduce wasteful government spending. Your tax dollars should be spent well, not poorly.
Charles. Seriously, my wife and I are inspired by who you are. Thank you!!!
Charles is a fantastic speaker and explains economics better than anyone on TV, we need to see more of him
Charles Payne is a treasure. Highest possible compliment I can give him. Could become the replacement for the national treasure Dr. Thomas Sowell. Charles…. I love you. You have a gift for teaching and communicating to we the “common people.” Please, maintain your modesty and honesty. You will contribute much to the new leadership of America. God Bless You sir.
Listening to Charles Payne is an educational experience. Thanks, Charles, and thanks Hillsdale for inviting him.
I ❤ Hillsdale. Thank you Mr. Payne for this presentation.
Truth speaker Charles Payne what a blessing you are to America. Merry Christmas to you and yours
The U.S. economy can actually get better if only the govt can start making better decisions for the sake of it's citizens, cos' they've really made life more difficult for its residents.inflation has left the less haves bearing the brunt of the burden. Its already eating into my entire $620k retirement portfolio. Like where else can we invest our money with less risks?
Charles is a common sense man. Love listening to him.
Charles is a very smart man, I listen and learn from him.
Thank you Hillsdale College and Charles Payne your words have not fallen on deaf ears. One Nation under God Indivisible! God bless your Grandparents for showing how hard life can be.
This was an excellent presentation and video! Thanks Charles and Hillsdale!!
I can listen to Charles Payne all day long.
"The Fed and the government have crushed 75% of the economy." That is the best summary of what's happening with the disconnect between Main Street and Wall Street that I've heard. Thank you, Mr. Payne. I wish you had taught my economics class years ago.
I realy love the way this id unexplained. I'm 75 and remember growing uo with almost every place you did business with were locally owned. I believe that made our communitues more close knit. I miss those days.
Love the memory of what a teacher did for you, in this day of tearing down and defunding public education and what good teachers spend their careers and best earning years doing. I see teaching as my calling and I do the best I can, but I am so glad my two daughters don’t want to teach.
Mr Payne is a very smart man....GOD Bless him
Thank goodness for someone who explains the economy truthfully and that we can understand.
Charles is an economist for the common man. Love him.