Unique the mvp 😂
"Yall Forgot About Me Real Fckin Fast" He Killing Early 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Bro moving like Ghost fr
I’m glad to see Lou Lou and raq on good terms. We all need love from our siblings.
Early is in the middle of a whole mess of conflict of interest
Unique is such an MVP.
Let’s see if they actually reveal breeze or not, don’t get me wrong unique is a much better candidate for breeze than Ronnie ever was but I’m still not completely sure unique will be breeze everyone thought Ronnie was now they think it’s unique before Ronnie they thought it would be dwizz’s brother, has anyone considered the fact that they might have breeze just show up as a new character with the name breeze already instead of turning another character we already have into breeze
Unique is not the same anymore, he will gonna hurt more people than his brother, he's the Michael Myers now. 😅
Unique could be Breeze or he might be the one who knows who Breeze is. This trailer shows us who unique meeting at the apartment hiding their face and the ones exchanging gun hiding his face.
I can’t wait.🔥🔥🔥
Unique is not breeze bro its his bodyguard
Unique meets Breeze 👀 🧢 🧢 🧢 🧢 00:10
Breeze just got confirmed as Unique.. Double back and look at the apt he broke into at the end of Episode 3. Does it look familiar? Lol
When Raq will learn about Andre's death, she gonna suspect Marvin. Just watch.
Marvin all over the place...Stefano, Gerald's daughter new parents, Traymond and soon to be in Unique crosshairs again
I feel like Famous is in witness protection or something, he just disappeared after being in the interrogation room
Raq is making moves love it when is raq and unique going to have a scene when will the see each other
Unique is doing too much he’s about to get burned why not surprise raq so she could see your alive ?
They ain’t build up this whole build up around Unique for him not to be breeze lol