
Took delivery of a 25 LT just before Christmas!
Loving everything about it…especially fuel costs around $60/month for around 1800 miles…❤


I have always had one-pedal driving on my Volt. I absolutely love it! Not only it helps regenerate the battery, but it saves your brakes! In ten years, I have changed the brakes only once! One single brake job in 10 years!


Get the price tag under 30k and I’ll give up ONE of my thirsty ICE trucks.


Love the super cruise and he is WEARING SUN GLASSES, and the vehicle is smooth and functional


Looks good, sleek, seems shorter in height… more like 5 door hatch .


Phenomenal review!


The cheapest version you mentioned coming later this year is $46,500 after straight up conversion. The CAD will continue to fall, which means it will actually most likely being around $47,000 with straight conversion. However, these companies LOVE to increase prices on top of that here in Canada, so I would actually envision that price being around $50,000 for the CHEAPEST option, which is the current price of a Tesla 3. Obviously not the same size vehicle, but you know what you're getting with a Tesla in terms of reliability, real-life charge times, etc. Even with a tax credit it's still $40k for that Equinox. That's still not affordable enough for people, considering the current interest rates. These need to be $30k. These are all still way too expensive for the average person or consumer at mass.


I think you gave an excellent review.  This is what most middle class individuals could consider.  A $94,000 Silverado pickup not so much!


The 3LT awd is the model to get it gives you everything thats offered and gives the most power


Can't beat the looks!


That red is insanely hot!


Yeah no 30k is affordable not 55k


Can you leave the doors closed, with the handles tucked in flat , but unlocked ?


Chevy always comes through with low price decent vehicles.


Thanks Great Video


I will say it's nice to see that it looks like any other car on the road. It would have been nice to see the rear headroom in the model without the hole in the roof. That thing looks pretty intrusive. I would think the Mustang is the biggest competitor to this car.


Why is everybody focusing on that stupid frunk? They made it under the trunk floor!


Great value on a really nice, common sense EV.  But I'd like the smaller '25 Bolt when it gets here.


Really good info


55k Can$ for cheapest AWD.  Not too bad if you get 5K off.