
Did a better job of assembling them than I did 😂 Thanks for showcasing them Matt, humbling seeing them being so well received by people all over the world.


I'm still waiting for my nibbler. Evri being a bit slow, it was shipped on Wednesday


What is it for ?


ðŸĪŠ When the case is more expensive than the device  ðŸĪŠ  💰💰💰💰💰


Is there a link anywhere for the battery on Amazon please?


Just assembled my Nibbler+ with the help of this vid. Note that if you're a COMPLETE MORON it is possible to attach the belt clip back to front then wonder why it is awkward to fit the board. Luckily I did not do that, no siree not at all.... 😇.

Case fits together very well after that minor D'oh! moment 😅


Nibbler, Bender? Sounds like a Futurama fan :)


I had the v2's but can get around 44 miles away.


I hope Chris doesn't launch any more cases .... I've run out of Heltecs :)


16$ for the .stl only. lol no


nice 9 min advert