Man big respect to you for treating the homeless man well hope he’s doing alright
Big respect homie! I imagine that it’s an amazing feeling to have your son tag along and experience trucking with you! 🔥💯
Every time I feel sad or need to watch something to make me happy. It’s this. I love watching him and his son have some father son bonding time while working. Keep up the good work Alex!
Don’t let nobody get that close to you man
Love to see your son back 😊 0:25
Much love for treating that gentleman with cautious respect and listening to him. Not sure I would have. Jumping up on someone’s property like that is pretty not cool. It worked out and hopefully he does do better in the future.
When someone don’t want to reveal where they served, they are more than likely lying.
U are ABSOLUTELY THE CUTEST….If I could’ve I would’ve wanted a SON or Now My Grandson like YOU……. YOU are A SPECIAL YOUNG MAN…. Thank U for What U DO getting Our Food to Our Favorite Stores….🙏 Watching from Virginia 🌹
I know you are glad you got your son with you
Yo love that the little ones back, Alex don’t stop posting man I love your videos the first thing I do in my day is to look if you posted another video. Much love brotha!
5:04 I think that truck thought you were throwing up gang signs 😅
DEF is not supposed to be stored in direct sunlight lol...that probably is why your truck keeps messing up
Oh, Alex, I’m from Bakersfield! (Don’t hold it against me!). I moved to Arizona in 1978. Happy and SAFE trails, Alex!! 🚛
I miss these videos! It's so awesome to see son and father unite in things they both love!❤
Happy thanksgiving Alex hope you are had a great one
The duck under the trailer😂
I’m from California bro there’s a lot of those nice way to work through that situation
Alex, Thanksgiving blessings for you and your family!! If someone looks up “Amazing Dad” in the dictionary, they will see your photo!! Thank you for your encouraging words for our kids! You are a blessing and a true roll model! 😊
uuuh you left the mark on the floor from dragging the trailer with its stand on the floor at the beginning of the video. haha.