She’s talking about schools without oversight yet they have had several years of oversight and test scores are only getting worse. So please explain to me how oversight works because from a taxpayer’s perspective the oversight you’re asking for has failed our kids and our nation. That doesn’t matter to her because she only cares about her job and her benefits. If test scores were on the rise then she would have a point. You can’t expect to be bad at your job and then keep that job.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, like the overwhelming majority of Americans today, opposed public sector unions. "I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of Government employees.....the paralysis of Government by those who have sworn to support it, is unthinkable and intolerable."
If they are Laid Off, they are NOT Fired. MANY Companies have Lay-Offs including Union Companies. All of those Laid Off can take that time off and Learn to Code..
Start with the Constitution - the Law of the Land. All rights and privileges have been endowed by their Creator unto individuals. Through the Constitution, We the People have delegated a very limited subset of powers to the Congress of the United States in order to protect those rights and privileges. There are many powers not mentioned in the Constitution; any such right or privilege or power not specifically delegated to the Congress is reserved to the States and Individuals. The Constitution does not grant Congress the power to educate our children. Therefore, any and all such statutes are illegal and the DOE is illegal. The only legal choices are to amend the Constitution or demolish DOE.
It's so bizarre that these people believe that once they get a taxpayer-funded job, they can't be fired. Weird!
The DOE is part of the problem... The other part of the problem are the teacher unions. From the national level to the local level, teacher unions shoulod be abolished.
our schools have been failing students for decades. What happened to teaching lessons to get through life and how to be a good adult Bring back shop class and home economics
Corporate media not covering Bernie Sanders rallies I see!!!???🤨
It happens in the real world, go on unemployment like the rest of us. Did you think you were special ??????
When the school bullies meet THE SWAT team... Then you realize the school bullies bought the swat team...
If they are Union, expect them to have the Unionized attitudes and victimhood mentality. While many of them do their jobs, they allegiance is with the Union and corruptions.
2 minutes in, so cutting the DOE is now going to be a racial situation? How about analyzing student achievement over the past 30 years. Seriously, we need need vouchers and school choice.
God bless the state under the Federalism system. Would love to see governors go on a successful state tour for the best states that have thriving education
God bless block grants without strings
This lady is not very bright😂
God bless President Trump and Vance and Musk and Linda McMahon. God bless all the state level department of education 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
Where are all these comment-bots coming from ... Musk...?
How did that work out for you 🎉