So, I was gonna release this video yesterday but there were some technical issues and I had to re-upload it today. If you like it, please give it a thumbs up and share it, it would mean a lot to me!


Saya dari BALI. Saya sangat menghargai semua karya anda. Terimakasih telah berkunjung di indonesia ❤


The shot at 2:51 with the wind, the sun on the background.. Simply wonderful. A great cinematic shot.


Thank you for visiting Bali🙏😍


Saya selalu menunggu cinematic video dari auxout, saya sangat mengagumi karya anda. Terimakasih telah membuat video di Bali❤


oh my... finally you came into my country 😍😍😍😍😍😍, you catch the moment perfectly, really love it, hope you enjoy while you guys in here





バシッと決めたいシーンには a7Siii、手軽にゆるく撮りたいシーンにはZV-1Fといった切り替えが見事に表現されている!! 凄すぎますAXOUTさん👍😊


待ってました!久々の旅Vlog ハネムーンver.!ハプニングもあったけど続きがどんな感じになるのか楽しみ!😎


Welcome to Indonesia


My inspiration! If I can ever put out a video even 10% quality of AUXOUT's, I'll be so happy. This trip looked so magical. Hope you guys had an amazing time <3


Finally my countries thank you for coming arigatou Auxout 🌸🌸🌸🌸








Thanks for your visit, i hope you can back again, for any place in Indonesia


Just ran across your videos couple of days ago.  Wow!  Fantastic cinematography!!!!  Your capture of beautiful images combined with emotion and cinematic technique are excellent and really hold the viewers attention!  Looking forward to seeing more!




You are the Best!!! Amazing Cinematic Vlogs... Wow!!


Thank you for coming 😊🎉