Based on this, Vanessa was kinda beast. She was undefeated while having no Wayob protection, probably an abyssal curse, memory loss, emotional issues and slavery. and then Girl bossed her way to being the leader of Mondstadt
Bennett Natlan buff is just him being super lucky.
We need Bennett to go to Natlan. If this becomes Canon and when bennetts in Natlan he isn't hurt as easily unlike being outside of Natlan
This could just be a coincidence but Bennett also has the same hair and eye color as Iansan.
He was found in Mare Javari, which is in Natlan. One of the story quests talk about Mare Javari. MAYBE HES UNLUCKY BECAUSE HES AWAY FROM NATLAN. LIKE MAYBE HE WASNT BLESSED BY THE WAYOB
That explains how powerful he is
i think it would be huge if benny will get his arc in natlan same for diluc as his ancestors from natlan
This is also brings up a point of where are Vanessa and the children of Murata’s descendants. Like I get that they probably mixed with the local populace but unless they eventually made community in Dorman port we don’t really see many characters with the notable red hair and/or darker skin in Mondstadt. Would love to see a known descendant of Vanessa
I remember that Bennett was so unlucky that even Exquisite chests he stumbles upon nets him less than common chest loot, and he was just happy to find any chests at all in his adventure with Traveler. That boy needs a recharge at the Wayob pronto.
His skin color is also darker/more saturated than the mondstat cast besides Kaeya.
I've rarely seen Bennett in events at all which is sad so if he ends up in the story quest with this theory would make so much sense but make all us Bennett mains very happy that the boys getting the spotlight 😭🙏
I mean the second traveller saw Iansen we should have thought of bennett, they have damn near the same features. Hell asking about her tribe when shit isn't hitting thefan should be an end of Archon quest interaction. Not a mandatory, but a sort of(Iansen is there lets chat) even though Marurika is who we need/have to talk too
Honestly I hope the never confirm it nor deny it. And just place him in an event that takes place in Natlan and he then has the best luck.
Memory loss!?... While it has it's protection it could also be a curse depending on how you look at it huh~ it won't prevent you from leaving but you'd forget you were there eventually huh
I hope he gets a Natlan buff and some good luck
To add to this the natlan soulblessing shape is the same shape as bennett'a burst
Idunno man, "six fingers" José is doing pretty good in dilucs bar
Even if they don't address it, I take it as lore, it explains why the impact circle reigns supreme. He is the hidden pyro archon of the game, and hails from the nation of fire and war.
I swear if Bennett gets a Kung fu panda 2 “Inner Peace” scene to remember everything since when he was a baby imma scream of hype