
Survey link: hoyo.link/hHSuwXbAE


99% doubt 1% hope

edit: yes i have done the survey, and tq for the likes


Also Hoyoverse reading the results of this player survey: "Woah! This is worthless!"


I love how the choices we are given to answer their questions already show that they know. I hope this goes somewhere good


Almost 90% of players already ask for a artifact slots like similar to honkai impact and the skip button but we still haven't get them btw the skip button 99% of players ask for that


The only thing that bothers me about it is that the options litterally quote what we have been complaining about, you could almost say they took the answers right out of the comments directly


I am seeing a hope now


If we choose our main complaints wisely, Genshin Impact might actually be a more enjoyable game than it originally was back then! I'm doing this for one reason, this game's farming blows!


Ok this is huge because that means Hoyoverse is paying attention right now and noting things down for the next update.


the answers are all literally there. they know the answers. just giving this survey for a "devs listen" moment.


They had this feedback for 4 YEARS, what do you mean?

Even answers to the questions themselves pinpoint the exact issues.

THEY KNOW, they have known for years...


They know exactly what the problem is, they just act stupid.


Anything to stop Genshin from releasing 15 female 5-star in a row with only 1 male 5-star in-between


Survey: how do you like farming materials?
Me: Very unsatisfied 😬


The only two common changes I see mentioned I fully agree with are these. 

I understand why at first weapon and talent accention materials were only specific days. It made some sense so you couldn't just burn through everything with so few characters at the beginning. Same kind of applies to the weekly bosses. But now we have so many characters the changes wouldn't hurt. They'd just be good at this point.


It's time boys


It's just Hoyo going for the "look guys, we listened to our players". They're not doing it out of caring for the players, but to make themselves look good.


Its so annoying when you need 18 same drop from 1weekly boss and you get 0, then have to wait for a week to have a a chance to get 0-3 of them...


Some of the features players were asking for years were already part of other Hoyo games already have for a long time. Like saving loadouts option for weapons and artifacts, allowing us to change whole scents with one click or resin reservoir, which Honkai Impact had since day one, not to mention dialogue skip option.
This survey is pointless, because Hoyo knows what players want, but they won't implement it anyway, or are just stalling for the future to create illusion of development.


Took only 4 years and wow what a coincidence that the answers of the questions is what we been asking for years