
Literal Enshitification


So basically, San Francisco wanted to be able to rid of sewage waste into the pacific ocean, and the EPA under the clean water act are the ones who regulate and control how this waste is dealt with and stuff. San Fransisco said they basically shouldn’t have that much power over water and waste systems. Saying they don’t have the “statutory authority” to do so and the supreme court basically agreed. Also the National Mining Association and US Chamber of Commerce basically were on San Francisco’s side during the court case. It’s fucked up. This really is the The United Corporations of America now. They care more about letting them do what they want with less regulations instead of the health of the people and the environment. It’s disgusting


I can't believe anyone would vote against clean water. This is SO DISTURBING!!!!


Sickening. What is the point of this?


"Make America Great Again!!"

...by drinking sh*t water 😂 Wonderful


Now more people will have to buy water. The rich win again.


I mean, who needs clear water anyways, amiright?!


Nothing a good ol' revolution can't fix! ❤


Supreme villains indeed, upholding corruption and now shitty drinking water. With absolute immunity comes great irresponsibility.


(PFAS) are estimated to be in about (45% of U.S drinking water) according to a U.S geological survey. 

Note, the actual percentage is probably a lot higher. 

They only tested for 32 types of these  (forever chemicals).

There are over 12,000 of them.

If you're interested in knowing more, i've added (parentheses) around key search words here to do so.


The SCOTUS + RFK = healthier America, for sure.


It’s never really been “freedom” has it? This is disgusting, literally. wtf


I wonder if the votes were along party lines ...


We need context....like, WHY?!?! WTF, JUST DECIDE this without explanation either....


The justices that voted to weaken the Clean Water Act need to explain why they voted that way to the public. This court is so out of touch with society. There has to be a way to fix that and make them accountable to the people of this country for harmful rulings.


These rich people must really want to have a war against them, dont they?


well, as we learned with Michigan, the states will regulate themselves.


Just a few words: any time you drive near a sewage treatment plant and smell it...raw untreated sewage is going into the creek/river. This has been ongoing.


Well one thing is for certain…. Once the water gets bad enough we’re no one can drink it… These Supreme Court judges will be long gone but their kids and grandkids will have to deal with it


I'd like to hear their reasoning as to why extra dookie water is ok? And for them to have the first symbolic glass😂