Sawyer is getting cuter every time I see him…All of the kiddos are adorable…I love to sit back and listen to their cute voices ❤ 🎉🎉🎉Happy New Year 2023 🎉🎉🎉
Lex n Dan Fitzgerald family !! Luv y'all. From the Smith family
I missed your videos!!! I'm so happy to see your pretty face, Lex 🥰
My chiropractor had me take a deep breath and on the exhale, he adjusted me. Think “ragdoll”. 🥰
I'm dying! Did you have to get another bowl to mix all that corn and sour cream mixture?? Everytime I see corn I think if you!! Love you Lex!!
Love the new intro so much!!!
Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family 🎉❤
Oh my!
What is that cam opener you have? ❤ it
First! I love you guys❤
Happy New Year