
THIS is some Foundation branded disc golf right here 🀣


This might be the funniest Brodie has ever been in a Foundation video


That was some good, honest, quality DG content right there. 1/4 shouting, 1/4 throwing, 1/4 trash talking, 1/4 disc fishing. Loved it.


That scoober right into the water made me laugh


Hurtin' and Sore Brodie is my favorite version of Brodie. Another hilarious video!!


Brodie roaring after every throw πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ classic foundation vid love it 🀘🀘


Anyone who plays long enough will experience seeing your disc in the water, and then subsequently losing it in the muddy, disturbed water while trying to fish it out. It's a brutal lesson


Sore and disabled Brodie is still hitting more lines and putting better than the bogey bros normally lol


Watching this camera work makes you really miss Conor


"You're in a putting league" hahah!!! I love the banter ;)


This moment was great. And Brodie did the Shooter McGavin move


I love the videos with Brodie.


"how far was that" ... "I don't know man"  LOL


Brodie following hunter’s last tee shot way past where it actually went had me floored lmao


u guys are amazing keep up the amazing uploads


Brodie's new bag sponsor "thank you for shopping with us" get yours today at any grocery store lol.


now I know why brodie doesn't play on tour anymore πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I feel pretty cool to have now played a disc golf course you guys have played! I have a buddy that lives near there in little elm and we play there everytime I’m down


Brodie walking the course with a plastic convenience store bag is perfection!  100% still the true man of the people!


drunk with exhaustion brodie is hilarious πŸ˜‚