
me a non drinker : hmm interesting now i will never drink before sleeping


Encouraging us to day drink! Nice 👌🏼 🍻 😅


“You can’t drink all day, it you don’t start early in the morning” ~Sun Tzu


My dad was a paranoid schizophrenic with physical disabilities, so he had such an overactive mind he found sleep difficult. When he’d get his pain flare ups it’d be far worse.

Alcohol was his most reliable solution. His alcohol was deep and he died when I was 18. I knew that drinking himself to sleep was a terrible option. It’s extra depressing to see that its effects were worse than we thought.


This is why I just inject my alcohol directly, skip the whole drinking step


Almost solid 1 min with no cuts, GOOD JOB ! Very eloquent too !!


Well that can explain why when I wake up after a party, even if I've slept for 10+ hours and am not hungover I immediately wanna go back to sleep...


Considering the main portion of REM-sleep occurs during the later parts of sleep, odds are the alcohol will already have metabolized by that point, so long as you don't have a lot of it before bed. Of course far better to sleep without it however


I'm glad I'm not an alcohol drinker.


I heard somewhere that sleeping after drinking alcohol is the same quality sleep as lying down awake with your eyes closed.


When he said about loosing REM and about not dreaming I thought about it and realised I have the wildest and weirdest dreams when I’ve been drinking to the point where I get confused between what was the dream and what wasn’t


Shitty thing is.....as an alcoholic, I can't even fall asleep if I don't have some drinks. So, I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't....I miss sleeping normally 😕


The liver does not really break down ethyl alcohol as in splitting it in multiple pieces. It rather oxidizes it into acetaldehyde and then in acetate so it can be excreted. I guess it’s a bit picky, but I’m just putting it out there for anyone that is interested.


People don't seem to realise how bad alcohol is for their bodies


It isn’t day drinking if you don’t start in the morning 😂


Day drinking for the win!


Even though the audio sucks, this was valuable info. Can you speak on how sleep is effected by other substances?


Figured this out YEARS ago - that's why long-term heavy drinkers (the "drink 'till you pass out" types) eventually get squirrely in general.


Ok my Canadian friends this is a perfect segue into the effects of marijuana and dreaming....


i don't get it 🤔
if alcohol robs my dreams, why why do i dream three times more when i'm drunk?