
My new single "Help" is out now. You can watch the video at http://youtu.be/wlCWl8a-tSw


I needed to hear this song. Darn back surgery left me disabled... God bless everyone here..


Sensitive people, like me, feel like we are fucked up for so many reasons.  From dealing with people who don't comprehend that other people don't necessarily see the world as they do; to those insensitive clods who have no feelings of their own that roll right through and over us; to the lovers who see our sensitivity as a tool to be used as they see fit, life sometimes is a bit much to deal with.  Finding artists who get us and write stuff that we relate to makes living simpler somehow.  Many thanks for the hours of relief.  How long until you tour again?  I didn't find your music until just recently and I am bummed that I missed hearing you live.  Bad for me hits close to home.  The one that I am wondering  will keep me waiting for something that isn't coming just left and it seems that my course is going to take another tack soon.  Another one that loves me but just doesn't get it.  It isn't what you say that matters, it is all in what you do.  Unfinished promises are a dime a dozen and are the cause of broken hearts everywhere.  She's out there somewhere and we will find each other one way or the other.


Caught me right in the feels, I've recently been widowed, my fiancé took her life last year the week of valentine's, our kids found her in closet upstairs after they got home from school, I was at work and I just talk to her that noon during my lunch and had such a lovely conversation with her, idk what the heck happened or why all the sudden she did what she did, but my heart has never been so broken, it's been a little over a year now, and the kids and I are doing alright, but songs like this just touch me so deeply and so profoundly, it kinda hurts all over again but also so beautiful and soulful as well, thank you good sir for sharing your voice and your heart through your music with us, keep up the great works and thank you for this deeply felt song...


Thank you rittz for another masterpiece 8 months clean quit meth and fentanyl cold turkey listened to this non stop shaking in the bath tub it gave me hope and strength I wish you the best on your journey and thank you for helping healing me and others god bless you and your family rittz chicka chicka yea


Peeps listen: If you ever dont know where to turn, listen for broken voices like this one.
We will guide you, if you let us.
One love ❤


Accidentally here but purposely staying. You have such an amazing voice. Thank you for such a beautiful voice that exists  in an ugly world. I needed you.


I'm just f*** up right now myself sitting in my kitchen listening to this song for the first time💯 and I'm like damn who's this dude who's this guy on the roof what's going on here 😮🤯💚💯🇺🇸 I'll do some research but I'm all in


Holy shit. Where has this been all my life.


We are here. We have our pain. We have our gain. Who will we ever be without what we've been through. Times can be hard. But darkness has its teachings. We are getting older everyday. Who's to say what the future holds.


The kids playing in the background are perfect.


I’m so glad I don’t paint myself in to main stream music corner, I’m so thankful I’m always curious to hear new artists… thank you so much for writing and delivering this beautiful song.


When you find a song that speaks to exactly how your soul feels. 💜💜💜


So glad I stumbled across this dude. His voice is amazing


There is something magical in his voice, tears are running down my face, while my heart is warmed up by his music! He is really good!


You remind me so much of your Pops, love your voice Peter....so proud of y'all ❤


As simple as this video is it’s full of life, love pain and it’s just emotionally touching. 

Something about him Sitting on the roof top peak singing his heart out. The solo pianist in the window. The kids playing in the neighbors front yard are cinematic perfection. He’s up there talking about life and love while the world continues around him. 

Glade I found him. Added to playlist.


Omg I am still loving this song 🙏♥️🔥🔥🔥
Still feeling it 💯💔😰


Love Love this .. so authentic what Heart!
So Rare  ... love the voice the lyrics the music
Love the video too.... perfect!  singing from the roof top where you hang for solitude
.... Love the long hair.... mega dude 😍


1:54 fucked up together speaks directly to core of so many things happening in my life and my love right now... how sweet is that???