
🔥Product Number: # 1845
Product Name:  The Watermelon Slicer
🔗Product Link in Bio
Product Link: https://mavigadget.com/products/the-watermelon-slicer/?ref=14

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Where can I get this gadget ?


where can I buy such a knife?










Onde compro esse negocio?
Falei negócio porque não sei o nome..


そういう キッチン道具 あったら、便利ですね。


❤  YUM !
    I. Loooove. WATERMELON ❤


Where are the seeds?


Bello e pratico servizio a tavola


Delicious mouth watering yummy thanks.   Good idea. I love watermelon and musk melon. You can make juice with Watermelon, musk melon, carrot, papaya , tomato 🍅 with 2 garlic etc  Good  for health. Vitamins.  Anita GopalaKrishanan Teacher 🕉️☮️🇮🇳🪔


Sezoni tugagandan kiyin ishtahani ochtilarkuuu❤❤❤🤤


Арбуз без семечек мечта


من  اين استطيع شراء هذا السكين من فضلك


Smart. Thank you for that tip


C est super cet instrument 👍


What else can you do with this kitchen tool.


It works nicely! I have one.


Perfekt!!!! Danke! ❤❤