
1. My Finance Course - https://bit.ly/3qzW4ZB
2. Our AMAZING 'Awake' Tribe - https://bit.ly/3pLyw0O


I’m presuming all the important people pushing this will lead by example and get rid of their cars and, of course, any private jetting before any of us are made to comply.


It's a dystopian future for us all. Vote for people opposed to the WEF and their likes.
Motorists already pay to use the roads, fuel duty is pro rata, the more you drive, the more fuel you pay. A huge amount of the pump price is TAX.


100% of all people surveyed in The UK say that MP's should stop spouting so much hot air and obey their electorate.


They own private jets but don’t want us to have cars? Disgusting


I’m afraid after the past few years I would never believe anything our Government or any of it’s Departments say, my trust has clearly gone..


I've just completed a survey sent to me from my council from the highways agency, I'm curious as to why they sent this, speed limits and road humps being one part of the questionnaire, I put as a side note that there is no climate or air pollution emergency and that its all propeganda. Its time we all stood up to this nonsense.


I think private jet speeds should be reduced to 50 miles per hour for the same reasons.


WE need to ensure that THEY are not  going to be happy


Private jets and helicopter sales to break records this year, it’s all crazy.


The poor already live in 15 minute cities as they dont have the money to go anywhere. Its been like that for the past 20 years.


Good luck with that one, people will not want to lose that level of independence, and so much business depends on car ownership. I live in a remote area and car ownership is vital.


Watching this sat in my V8 Diesel, I'll never give up my personal transportation I'd fight to the absolute end to keep that Incredible Freedom.


We are going to have to evidence and defend our unalienable rights to travel. Enough is enough.


I bet politicians won't be giving up private vehicle ownership.


We live in a dictatorship, so why is this accepted?
I don't have Kids so they will never have to suffer what's coming, if you are a parent how can you let this slide?
Your ancestors and mine fought and died in awful circumstances for the freedoms we have just lost, We currently have worldwide treasonous totalitarian Governments colluding together without consulting the People they serve. It amazes me how any Parent can stand by without any meaningful push back knowing this. 
This reminds me of the Poem "Then They Came for Me" it's painful to know Men are no longer like the Men of old sadly.


we need mass non payment of ulez and road user charging.. they will never cope if nobody pays


Will the 95% reduction in car ownership by 2030 coincide with a 95% reduction in population???


There are a ton of us who live in very rural locations in Devon and Cornwall, miles from civilisation. We'd never cope without our cars....


If they truly cared about clean air then they would stop the geo weather engineering spraying which is going on each day