I have this 😂 various sounds can provoke a negative reaction.
33 months? That triggers me more than my misophonia
I’m so glad I saw this! When I hear nails being clipped, snoring, constantly clearing one’s throat or loud chewing have always driven me bananas. Now I know why! Thank you!
Can we mention for a second how pointlessly annoying it is for people to refer to their (nearly) THREE YEAR OLD as "33 month old". C'mon. Really.
Gulping/chugging sounds and when peoples noses make a whistling noise while breathing give me the rage! I usually just suffer quietly because people have to drink and breath to live.
some people in the comments need to remember that people with misophonia cant control this. they can control how they cope, but they cant help reacting poorly to certain sounds.
My mom had that but she didn't know nor did we. She's Resting in Eternal Peace now 😇 🙏 ❤️ 🦋
I have it pretty bad but I've learned over the years to just tune people out or eat somewhere else. If I'm at Thanksgiving with family for an example I will focus on what people are saying instead of the sounds of food. Those distractions help a lot.
I experience this mainly with wet mouth sounds. I ABSOLUTELY can NOT be in the same space with my cat when she eats wet food. When she grooms, I wear head phones which nicely drown out the sounds. I love my poopy so it's just something I've learned to work around.
The woman showing the child how to eat correctly was the one who really triggered my misophonia.. The child doesn’t trigger me at all .. same with dogs chewing or crunching things but adults doing the same drive me mad!.. I have had it since I was a teenager and several or my cousins and aunts also suffer from misophonia. It’s an awful feeling everyone suffering this way really has my sympathies ☹️
I suffer daily, listening to one of my coworkers, chew with her mouth open and slowly and loudly! I go crazy and have to stick AirPods in my ears
I didn't realize I had this until recently. I have a habit of plugging one of my ears when I'm around people who are eating, but I say I "have an ear ache" as an excuse. I do get ear aches often, so people just accept my excuse and don't get offended. 😢
Mine is gum popping w their teeth over and over. And smacking food but the gum is the worst. Think adhd doesnt help either. I would anoy my coworkers by complaining about it. Definitely have this 😅
I have it but I am on several mental health medications and I am no longer bothered by it.
The sound of people smacking their gum and the sound of styrofoam are enough to make me leave the room.
Now I know what's wrong with me. Thank you for posting this.
I know someone like this, and they make everyone miserable because nobody can eat around them. She jumps onto everyone.....she needs the headphones lol
Crying/screeching infants, hard breathing, smacking while chewing, and vehicles with bass so strong the vehicle shakes are just a few things that set me off. Babies can’t help it, so it’s easier for me to control my rage, but the people with those loudass stereos absolutely made the choice to be that disturbing, so that one is my worst misophonia trigger
I grew up with an extreme version of this... it was so bad that i would cry almost hysterically if the sound continued and the people wouldn't stop doing it... but the older i get the less it affects me and i got much much better on, first a low carb ketogenic diet, and then carnivore... now i cycle more or less back into carnivore from time to time and i rarely if ever have any of the effects of this anymore. Thank God, because it's torture... thanks for talking about this Doc!