I turned 18 this year. It's been a ride. I'm joining the military in 2 days, and I'm graduating in May. I will leave my friends, my family, and my home. I'm scared to be honest. But I've been through worse, and I've come out better for it. Remember, no matter what you're going through, just stick it out. Find happiness in the little things. Enjoy every moment. They go away before you can even realize they were gone. Every moment is just as precious as the next, each being a mark of what your life means. Make them special.
I struggled with an eating disorder when I was 12. I heard the opening lines and started crying immediately. My brother physically, emotionally, and sexually abused me. Its been difficult to rebuild a relationship. Life hasn't been easy but I'm finally in a decent place where I'm working on myself and learning to love myself and the Lord. It can get better, I promise. There is a light
The line where it says "I wish you knew your brother would come back again." really hits hard. When I was 12 my brother was shipped off to Afghanistan the Marine corps. He was there for 2 years and I thought I'd never see him ever again. Every day while he was gone I prayed for him any time I got the chance. Turns out the next day that I had given all hope of him returning something happened. I was at school and I thought it was going to be a normal day but it wasn't. It was almost time to go home but the teacher said someone special was here. I thought it was going to be a guest speaker or something so I didn't really think about it. When the door opened I couldn't move because my brother was standing in the doorway. The moment I saw him I started breaking down in tears. I ran over to him as fast as I could and jumped on him. To this day I think it was God protecting him. It also turned out that he got a purple heart. If you don't know what that is, it means he was injured in battle. For some reason they didn't send him home. God loves you all and remember that someday they will return even if it's in your dreams you will see them again. and remember you will be alright kid.
“You’ll stop trying to impress the people who leave” dang, that hit hard for me 😢
my best friend moved away after a fire happened in his home, and his sister, another one of my friends, died in that fire. they were actually my neighbors, and i saw the whole thing happen. my brother was the person i looked up to, but he moved out the first chance he got. he doesnt contact me and my grandparents anymore, and honestly, i dont think he ever will. (i live with my grandparents, my father and mother left. got abandonment issues from that, just my luck. tried and still try to do something so impressive, they'll somehow come back) when i was 12, i started sh and had horrible depression. i almost committed. someone noticed something was wrong, eventually figured out what i was thinking about doing, and stopped me. in therapy now, hoping things will get better. i love this song so much, and honestly, i'm so glad i found it. i wish i found it a little sooner, but better late than never. thank you for this masterpiece mr.warren
To the 12 year old kiddos listening to this Trust this song, things are gonna get better 💙
I turned 65 this month. This song brought memories of my childhood. My father committed suicide when I was 9 and my mother was killed a year later in a car accident. Life seemed to be ending but you put your head down and keep moving forward, You’ll be alright kid…
As a young teen this song hits hard and makes me tear up I recently lost my mother October 11th and this song is just absolutely beautiful
Oh my gosh! Im 11 years old, and people say im too young to be sad about serious stuff. Im always the happy friend and can't ever cry. I get yelled at so many times and just kinda feel depressed. Seeing the first couple of lines made me cry but smiled as ik I'm not alone! To anyone who needs to hear this: you're not alone! You got this, and ik times are, though, but god put you in this world for a reason. Wait for your time, and just know that you deserve better! Im here to talk ❤
My childhood was filled with physical abuse and also I was seperated from my best friends when I was 12. I fell into terrible depression. Last year I was reunited with them, but I still wanted to be closer to all of them. Then this year, we were taken out of the house and placed with other family. Then four months ago I was placed with one of my best friends families. I had to testify in court as well about all the things that were done to me. My parents parental rights are going to be taken away, and My step mom and my dad are trying to divorce too. This is the second divorce we are living through. All I know is that God will work things out and he knows all things! He has and will carry me through.
i found my new song that gonna be on repeat 24/7 for a few days
I lost my mom at the age of 12, and so much has changed since then. I have never felt so emotionally connected to a song, as I often wish that I could go back and hug that lost little girl who couldn’t understand why. Thank you Alex
Ok I don’t know if you will ever see this but this song is amazing and so true to me you practically just put my 11 years of living on earth into 2 minutes and 33 seconds one of this line that I really like is your hearts gonna break over and over because I’m 11 and I feel like my heart is permanently broken now because of everything that has happened so I just wanted to say I hope you have a good rest of your life journey and enjoy it while you can ❤
I’m 16 and the line “there’s still more to lose” is so so deep for me. It’s very true. Life isn’t a straight line, it has ups and downs. If it was a straight line, you would be dead. The ups and downs of life are what makes life, life. The important thing is to just keep going and experience every joy and sadness, because someone out there is about to have a straight line and is wishing to feel happy or upset just once again ❤ Great song
when he said "cause friends move away and people get older your hearts gonna break over and over" really hit me because all of that happened to me multiple times
Fuck...my big brother is deployed and been missing for a week and half ....and this song just was recommended on our playlist we made...im screaming and crying
Never been this early and gotta say Alex, you never disappoint and I've got tears in my eyes and I heard your song on the English radio Carry you home, hopefully this song will be in the charts as well but all of yours songs should be anyway
This song feels healing. I sent it to my teenage sons. I wasnt healed when they were younger. I’m praying they get to heal sooner then I did and have the most amazing life.
My dad is in the hospital currently. I am 12 years old. This song heals me so much💗