Your Energy Matches The Energy People Are Feeling From His Video!!!
Everytime I see this clip or hear “Aaron Pierre, that’s Mufasaaaa” - I have to remember I’m married.
You would have to feel the vibe to understand. COOL!!!
The only man I have seen enjoying this clip of Aaron Pierre………. 😂… every other guy hating😂😂
You did good 😅 I like how you gave the steps a name 😂
Love it! Only a great man can acknowledge another man who is doing great for himself 🙌🏾🌸
Little did he know it was going to become a dance craze😂😂
I love it 😂😂😂. Every time I hear the song I have to watch it.😂
You are having such fun. This is great!😅😅
😂😂That dance move is so smooth😊
Yes. I watched the whole tutorial...And Did!!😂😂
I really enjoyed this!!
Yes I think there should be an Aaron Pierre line dance ❤
This is just hilarious!🙏🏾🤣😂🤣😂🤣👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Aaron did not choreograph his move, he just moved
I like how you are having fun with this and helping others who may want to join in the fun! ❤❤
Not a dance tutorial! I love that you did this 😂
Aaron Pierre that's mufasa. Those eyes are sick!!!!
Love the vibes 😂❤✨