just what goes through your mind man for these zero cycles. also the fact that most of them are using the wind and vonwacq set, while im still perfecting my BiS set for them is just insane. kudos for your dedication.
oh wow feixiao was using 4 star lightcone. you're insane also that's S1 dance dance dance
This might be the most impressive run I've seen performed in this game, your locked in (definitely subscribed)
The little Senti avatar in the lower right is so cute All hail the Herrscher of Sentience !
That feixiao clear is the best thing ive watched all year
Love this format, love how you explain the goals. Please more!!
When you're so calculated that even your HP and DEF rolls were perfectly gotten to live, well played!
HOLY based Camazotz theme in my hsr media
This is heckin' insane. And here I am clearing both side with 5 cycle lmaoo
Xolze could never
Yo your music selection is fire. I just newly discovered your channel but fgo and hi3rd OSTs? peak.
the combo between fei and m7 at the end is possibly the best thing a hsr cc could ever make. Just incredible
Camazotz my goat.
lmao love how hmc is literally a mini robin with ddd + fugue on the team lol. its also very satisfying seeing clears of feixiao with march, like look at those fua's its insane
The Hos avatar and intro is so good. She's the last character i pulled in HI3. A welcome addition.
2nd half was executed so perfectly omggg it's all over the screen😫
I am glad I pulled Fugue, I am gonna pull for Rappa and Ruan Mei on her rerun and voila my team is done
FoV ost goes hard with Fei at the end, cooking as usual HoS
that rappa on first half surprised me. i knew how great of an upgrade fugue is on her team but still didnt expect it could go that far as for fei...well with your 10-turns strat, what CAN'T she done? lmao as always, gg