Sleep token is a band with 4 members on tour, from what I'm aware of, the singer (Vessel) and drummer (II) are the only members in the writing/recording process. "Sleep Token" apparently comes from their concept of the band, with 'Sleep' being an ancient deity and their music as an offering or token. This is the reason for the cloaks, masks, cultlike appearance and their fans using the term 'Worship'
"a gumbo of melody, power, punch and darkness, all at the same time" is the best description of sleep token I've ever heard
There aren't any blast beats in The Summoning. It's just an interesting double kick pattern with a solid back beat
My only complaint is that I can't re-experience Sleep Token for the first time again. They're incredibly talented.
Vessel has stated that their anonymity is because they want the music to be the focus. And I appreciate a band that doesn't use anonymity as an aesthetic
I've watched a lot of "The Summoning" reaction videos and the constant fact is the surprise from each content creator, can't catch the time signatures or are just baffled by the flow of the piece, amazing stuff!
You will LOVE their latest one "Aqua Regia"! Includes piano! :D
Lily's vocals are so good!
I just discovered this band YESTERDAY. I’m already obsessed
I really like the way Vessel plays the keys over the heavy sections. It just adds another dynamic to their sound. I love this band. Thanks.
Sleep Token is so wonderfully unique. It’s like… this dark, powerful, ethereal, fluid experience with each song. I’m not gonna lie, listening to them normally puts me in a kind of sad, wistful mood, which in any other circumstance, I would not prefer, but their music has this draw on me, and I can’t seem to resist it.
This band deserves every bit of praise coming their way. So expertly crafted, composed, presented, just mind boggling and unique. People will TRY to emulate it and fail.
Crazy to see how much Sleeptoken is blowing up with these new songs for the next album coming. Been listening to them for years now. MINE is by far my favorite song.
About your interesting question about the improvised solos in this style of music: It's true that this style of modern/post/whatever metal doesn't include that much improvisation as everything is often so specifically written. However, for example in this song, the drummer (II) usually plays a drum solo over the ambient section before the funky outro. These kinds of small improvisations are more common in live settings where applicable, but for the most part the musical style just doesn't lend itself that well for improvisation.
One thing i have learned from hearing these guys, the choruses are always huge and beautifully done.
They've been syncopating the Hell out of their music with these releases, avoiding the one and playing with different emphatic placements like nobody's business. I've been a huge fan since I discovered them, and they continue to surprise and delight!
Please do more Sleep Token! They have three other singles they released around the same time as this one!
Such a great track. The funky part is absolutely beautiful, my favorite part of this song
I love your enthusiasm when you react to songs, you get so enveloped in it, I can feel that energy!