I wish I could like this a million times. My b/f plays around with stuff like this, but I didn't realize how easy it was until he sent me this video. So much better than the alternative options I saw online!
Very straightforward and easy to understand ! Congrats and thanks for sharing.
I have been spending more than 30hrs looking for a clear information video to know how NFC works i almost lost the will to know as no one explained it as you did. Thanks buddy for giving very straight forward tips, I'm gonna work on your advice. Viva.
The way I see it, Rick rolling just got easier.
Min. 1:28 😂 „hear my thoughts“ „Search my dance“ 😂
Look at that subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it, oh my god, it even has a watermark...
Ohhhh the Shenanigans that are going to ensue from this. Remember kids, only use your powers for good, never evil.
I’ve been hearing about these NFC tags but assumed they’d be really complicated to setup or wouldn’t work on iPhone. Great video! Quick and answered all my questions 😸
Amazing short and perfect video thanks!!
Thanks so much! I just learned how to use Clips after a friend sent me a tiktok, looked into it and heard the term "nfc" in an Apple tutorial, which lead me to you! now ordering a whole bunch of these for business and social life 😁
Like others, I was going to buy the overpriced card, but this saved me the $20 or so. thanks
I’d love to make my own business card with nfc tag. Thank you. 🙏 Very useful video.
Thanks for the amazing content! I just have a question about the types of NFC card. I bought an RFID card, but my iPhone couldn't read it. I searched a little bit and I think that I need an Ntag-215 or Ntag-216 for it. Is this info correct? Thanks again!
Literally just googled how to do this. Thanks for this.
This is awesome, thank you !
GOATED demonstration and explanation
is there anyway for it to take you to a website only viewable from the card? such as an unlisted youtube video. I want to create album merch with this and take it to a private album link with bonus songs and material
I just cant get it to work can you help me . Bought everthing from amazon and downloaded the app paid for up grade and no stuck
Thank you Lester 👌