
My husband is getting shipped out for 6 months for work, so I've been playing this song RELIGIOUSLY. Katie in Chicago... I feel you.


Imagine Katie in Chicago seeing this and freaking out 😂


I recently went back to ice skating after staring death in the face. I discovered yesterday I could bring my ear buds onto the rink. I listened to this song and it gave me the power and  encouragement to try a new skill. Thank you.


Poor Katie, she must def be going through something


Sending love to katie bc so real


That push was personal 😭


Lmao, I love you guys so much and his song and I hope you can have the best wedding possible and I already can tell you guys are soulmates and you guys love each other so much


That push was personal💀


That push was personal 😂😂😂


i hope katie is having a better day today man 😂


Wow the way he pushed her! Song please


there was one night i was sitting in bed playing it on repeat and i would say i played it like 20 times...so give me like a full day and katie has a competitor :D


Been voting on I heart radio I hope you win!!!


Good work Alex. I’ve been watching you since you were part of the hype house. And I love all your music I’ve put so many people from my school on your music. Your music is my healing from a wound and I’m so honored to be able to listen to your magic everyday. 🥳🥳😍🤩


Katie's been listening to that song for 3 hours straight


Love the McLaren shirt!!!!!❤❤❤❤


We will always be your biggest fans😂


I’m your 22k like!


Ngl I listen to this everyday multiple times lol


My favorite couple for years now