


The thigh clap killed me!!!!


It bothers me how well her dancing goes with the beat πŸ’€


Not a single bone was left unused lol


The way this song is an actual bop, I haven't heard it in ages.


The fact that she's dancing with more energy than Hilary Duff herself. πŸ˜†


Me at every school dance:


The fact that there’s a subsection of YouTube dedicated to the choreography for this Hilary Duff song brings so much joy to my heart


I'm dancing with the sound of the tap in the kitchen at 3 in the morning.


But why is this so ON POINT with the beat though?🀣


Why is this better then the original choreography from Hilary?? 😭


Hilary gave us nothing with the dancing.... mary gave us everything in few seconds πŸ’“


Why does this fit so perfectly though? She didn't miss a beat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I can't even begin to explain how important that upper leg slap is to me


somebody collect they auntie 😭😭😭


Its the lil thigh slap for me πŸ˜‚


Sis brought the ENERGY I live


She delivered so much to the community


wow the beat and the harmonisation between hands and angkle wow.. this is legendary. i stan,


This is what dreams are made of.