The Judge Who Refused to Become Governor of Egypt: Al-Layth Ibn Saad الليث بن سعد
History of Revolutions
The Judge Who Refused to Become Governor of Egypt: Al-Layth Ibn Saad الليث بن سعد
The Yemeni Scholar who Refused to Flatter Kings and Princes: Tawus Ibn Kaysan طاووس بن كيسان
History of Revolutions
The Yemeni Scholar who Refused to Flatter Kings and Princes: Tawus Ibn Kaysan طاووس بن كيسان
The Exiled Umayyad Judge who Resisted Tyranny: Yahya Ibn Ya'mer يحيى بن يعمر
History of Revolutions
The Exiled Umayyad Judge who Resisted Tyranny: Yahya Ibn Ya'mer يحيى بن يعمر
The Righteous Judge of the Rashidun Caliphate: Shuraih Ibn Al Harith شريح بن الحارث
History of Revolutions
The Righteous Judge of the Rashidun Caliphate: Shuraih Ibn Al Harith شريح بن الحارث
The Ottoman Imam of Baghdad who Revolted Against Tyranny عبد الغني آل جميل
History of Revolutions
The Ottoman Imam of Baghdad who Revolted Against Tyranny عبد الغني آل جميل
The Executed Persian Polymath: Ibn Al Muqaffa عبد الله بن المقفع
History of Revolutions
The Executed Persian Polymath: Ibn Al Muqaffa عبد الله بن المقفع
Poisoned Abbasid Grand Vizer who Resisted Crusaders: Awn al-Din ibn Hubayra ابن هبيرة
History of Revolutions
Poisoned Abbasid Grand Vizer who Resisted Crusaders: Awn al-Din ibn Hubayra ابن هبيرة
The Pomegranate Merchant who Fought The Romans: Abdullah Ibn Al Mubarak عبد الله بن المبارك
History of Revolutions
The Pomegranate Merchant who Fought The Romans: Abdullah Ibn Al Mubarak عبد الله بن المبارك
The Executed Persian Reformer of The Mongol Period: Rashid al-Din Hamadani رشیدالدین همدانی
History of Revolutions
The Executed Persian Reformer of The Mongol Period: Rashid al-Din Hamadani رشیدالدین همدانی
The Muslim Judge who Protected Christians and Stood up to Caliphs: Imam Al Awzai الإمام الأوزاعي
History of Revolutions
The Muslim Judge who Protected Christians and Stood up to Caliphs: Imam Al Awzai الإمام الأوزاعي
The Indian Sufi who Defied Kings: Nizamuddin Auliya نظام‌الدین اولیا
History of Revolutions
The Indian Sufi who Defied Kings: Nizamuddin Auliya نظام‌الدین اولیا
Rebellious Imam who Almost Overthrew The Mughal Empire: Ahmad Sirhindi شیخ احمد سرہندی
History of Revolutions
Rebellious Imam who Almost Overthrew The Mughal Empire: Ahmad Sirhindi شیخ احمد سرہندی
The Mughal Polymath and Reformer: Shah Waliullah شاہ ولی اللہ دہلوی
History of Revolutions
The Mughal Polymath and Reformer: Shah Waliullah شاہ ولی اللہ دہلوی
Ottoman Judge who Saved 150 People from Execution: Zenbilli Ali Efendi
History of Revolutions
Ottoman Judge who Saved 150 People from Execution: Zenbilli Ali Efendi
The Exiled Ottoman Caliph who Died in France: Abdülmecid II عبد المجيد الثاني
History of Revolutions
The Exiled Ottoman Caliph who Died in France: Abdülmecid II عبد المجيد الثاني
The Muslim Scholar who Confronted Napoleon: Abdulrahman Al Jabarti عبد الرحمن الجبرتي
History of Revolutions
The Muslim Scholar who Confronted Napoleon: Abdulrahman Al Jabarti عبد الرحمن الجبرتي
Popular Ottoman Governor of Hejaz who Built Schools and Libraries: Ghalib Ibn Musaid غالب بن مساعد
History of Revolutions
Popular Ottoman Governor of Hejaz who Built Schools and Libraries: Ghalib Ibn Musaid غالب بن مساعد
The Imam who Boycotted Roman Goods to Fight Crusaders: Abu Bakr Al Tartushi أبو بكر الطرطوشي
History of Revolutions
The Imam who Boycotted Roman Goods to Fight Crusaders: Abu Bakr Al Tartushi أبو بكر الطرطوشي
The Wise Poet and Farmer who Gained International Fame: Ferdowsi ابوالقاسم فردوسی
History of Revolutions
The Wise Poet and Farmer who Gained International Fame: Ferdowsi ابوالقاسم فردوسی
The Brave Persian Poet who Turned Down The Offers of Kings: Hakim Sanai حکیم سنایی غزنوی
History of Revolutions
The Brave Persian Poet who Turned Down The Offers of Kings: Hakim Sanai حکیم سنایی غزنوی
The Outspoken Indian Poet Imprisoned By The British: Mirza Ghalib مرزا غالب
History of Revolutions
The Outspoken Indian Poet Imprisoned By The British: Mirza Ghalib مرزا غالب
The French Muslim who Resisted Colonialism: Abdul Wahid Yahya (Rene Guenon)
History of Revolutions
The French Muslim who Resisted Colonialism: Abdul Wahid Yahya (Rene Guenon)
Russian Writer who Exposed Soviet and American Tyranny: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Солженицын)
History of Revolutions
Russian Writer who Exposed Soviet and American Tyranny: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Солженицын)
Assassinated Yemeni President who Fought Corruption: Ibrahim Al Hamdi إبراهيم الحمدي
History of Revolutions
Assassinated Yemeni President who Fought Corruption: Ibrahim Al Hamdi إبراهيم الحمدي
Exiled Turkish Poet Feared by Ataturk, Hitler and Stalin: Nâzım Hikmet
History of Revolutions
Exiled Turkish Poet Feared by Ataturk, Hitler and Stalin: Nâzım Hikmet
Ottoman Caliph who Supported Irish Independence and Strengthened Turkish-Arab Unity: Abdülmecid I
History of Revolutions
Ottoman Caliph who Supported Irish Independence and Strengthened Turkish-Arab Unity: Abdülmecid I
Exiled Chinese Minister who Protected Uyghurs and Fought The British Empire: Lin Zexu 林則徐
History of Revolutions
Exiled Chinese Minister who Protected Uyghurs and Fought The British Empire: Lin Zexu 林則徐
Indian Guerilla Rebel who United Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs against The British: Subhas Chandra Bose
History of Revolutions
Indian Guerilla Rebel who United Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs against The British: Subhas Chandra Bose
Rebellious English Officer who Turned Against The British Empire: Abdullah John Philby جون فيلبي
History of Revolutions
Rebellious English Officer who Turned Against The British Empire: Abdullah John Philby جون فيلبي
The Russian Writer who Defended Chechens and Attacked Tyranny: Leo Tolstoy (Лев Толстой)
History of Revolutions
The Russian Writer who Defended Chechens and Attacked Tyranny: Leo Tolstoy (Лев Толстой)
Adventurous Sufi who Fought Crusaders and Reformed Bandits: Abul Hasan Al Shadhili أبو الحسن الشاذلي
History of Revolutions
Adventurous Sufi who Fought Crusaders and Reformed Bandits: Abul Hasan Al Shadhili أبو الحسن الشاذلي
Fearless Judge who Ruled against Caliphs: Abu Yusuf Al Ansari  القاضي أبو يوسف الأنصاري
History of Revolutions
Fearless Judge who Ruled against Caliphs: Abu Yusuf Al Ansari القاضي أبو يوسف الأنصاري
The Scientist who Refused to Accept the Money of Kings: Abu Rayhan Al Biruni أبو الريحان البيروني
History of Revolutions
The Scientist who Refused to Accept the Money of Kings: Abu Rayhan Al Biruni أبو الريحان البيروني
The Imprisoned Abbasid Engineer: Ibn Al Haytham ابن الهيثم
History of Revolutions
The Imprisoned Abbasid Engineer: Ibn Al Haytham ابن الهيثم
The Sufi Merchant who Escaped Execution: Junayd Al Baghdadi الجنيد البغدادي
History of Revolutions
The Sufi Merchant who Escaped Execution: Junayd Al Baghdadi الجنيد البغدادي
The Persecuted Abbasid Polymath: Al Kindi ابو يوسف يعقوب الكندى
History of Revolutions
The Persecuted Abbasid Polymath: Al Kindi ابو يوسف يعقوب الكندى
The Librarian and Social Reformer: Ibn Miskawayh ابن مسكويه
History of Revolutions
The Librarian and Social Reformer: Ibn Miskawayh ابن مسكويه
Reformist Andalusian Judge and Scholar: Ibn Rushd ابن رشد
History of Revolutions
Reformist Andalusian Judge and Scholar: Ibn Rushd ابن رشد
The Righteous Ruler who Built Hospitals and Fought Crusaders: Nurudeen Zengi نور الدين زنكي
History of Revolutions
The Righteous Ruler who Built Hospitals and Fought Crusaders: Nurudeen Zengi نور الدين زنكي
Tortured Political Reformer of The Abbasid Era: Musa Al Kazim الإمام موسى الكاظم
History of Revolutions
Tortured Political Reformer of The Abbasid Era: Musa Al Kazim الإمام موسى الكاظم
The Persian who Fought Crusaders and Survived Mongol Invasions: Saadi Shirazi سعدی شیرازی
History of Revolutions
The Persian who Fought Crusaders and Survived Mongol Invasions: Saadi Shirazi سعدی شیرازی
Dismissed Judge who Refused to Execute Innocent People: Zakaria Al Ansari زكريا الأنصاري
History of Revolutions
Dismissed Judge who Refused to Execute Innocent People: Zakaria Al Ansari زكريا الأنصاري
Exiled Scholar who Confronted Tyrants: Imam Al Nawawi الإمام النووي
History of Revolutions
Exiled Scholar who Confronted Tyrants: Imam Al Nawawi الإمام النووي
The Imam who Refused to Work for Kings: Jalaluddin Al Suyuti جلال الدين السيوطي
History of Revolutions
The Imam who Refused to Work for Kings: Jalaluddin Al Suyuti جلال الدين السيوطي
The Scientist who Survived Assassinations and Mongol Invasions: Fakhruddin Al Razi فخر الدين الرازي
History of Revolutions
The Scientist who Survived Assassinations and Mongol Invasions: Fakhruddin Al Razi فخر الدين الرازي
The Perfumer and Poet Killed by Mongols: Fariduddin Attar عطار نیشابوری
History of Revolutions
The Perfumer and Poet Killed by Mongols: Fariduddin Attar عطار نیشابوری
The Mughal Poet who Resisted Extremism and Tyranny: Bulleh Shah بلھے شاہ
History of Revolutions
The Mughal Poet who Resisted Extremism and Tyranny: Bulleh Shah بلھے شاہ
The Poisoned Caliph who Spread Justice From Spain to India: Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz عمر بن عبد العزيز
History of Revolutions
The Poisoned Caliph who Spread Justice From Spain to India: Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz عمر بن عبد العزيز
The Seljuk Poet whose Books were Thrown into the River: Yunus Emre (Derviş Yûnus)
History of Revolutions
The Seljuk Poet whose Books were Thrown into the River: Yunus Emre (Derviş Yûnus)
The Muslim Poet who Protected Christians and Defied Caliphs: Al Ma'arri أبو العلاء المعري
History of Revolutions
The Muslim Poet who Protected Christians and Defied Caliphs: Al Ma'arri أبو العلاء المعري
Abbasid Doctor and Philanthropist: Abu Bakr Al Razi أبو بكر الرازي
History of Revolutions
Abbasid Doctor and Philanthropist: Abu Bakr Al Razi أبو بكر الرازي
The Caliph who Gave up Power for the Sake of Peace: Imam Hasan الإمام الحسن المجتبى
History of Revolutions
The Caliph who Gave up Power for the Sake of Peace: Imam Hasan الإمام الحسن المجتبى
The Ottoman Caliph who Saved Andalusians and Made Peace with Kurds: Sultan Ahmed I السلطان أحمد
History of Revolutions
The Ottoman Caliph who Saved Andalusians and Made Peace with Kurds: Sultan Ahmed I السلطان أحمد
The Ottoman Poet who Resisted Injustice: Fuzuli Al Baghdadi فضولي البغدادي
History of Revolutions
The Ottoman Poet who Resisted Injustice: Fuzuli Al Baghdadi فضولي البغدادي
The Persian Scientist and Humanitarian: Omar Khayyam حکیم عمر خیام
History of Revolutions
The Persian Scientist and Humanitarian: Omar Khayyam حکیم عمر خیام
Compassionate Doctor and Exiled Minister: Ibn Sina ابن سينا
History of Revolutions
Compassionate Doctor and Exiled Minister: Ibn Sina ابن سينا
The Scholar who Predicted the Fall of Andalusia: Ibn Hazm ابن حزم الأندلسي
History of Revolutions
The Scholar who Predicted the Fall of Andalusia: Ibn Hazm ابن حزم الأندلسي
The Fugitive Scholar who Spent his Life Escaping Execution: Sufyan Al Thawri سفيان الثوري
History of Revolutions
The Fugitive Scholar who Spent his Life Escaping Execution: Sufyan Al Thawri سفيان الثوري
The Righteous Judge who Confronted Corruption: Hasan Al Basri الحسن البصري
History of Revolutions
The Righteous Judge who Confronted Corruption: Hasan Al Basri الحسن البصري
The Abbasid Genius who Died in his Library: Al Jahiz: الجاحظ الكنانى
History of Revolutions
The Abbasid Genius who Died in his Library: Al Jahiz: الجاحظ الكنانى
Revolution of Zayd ibn Ali: The Imam who Tried to Revive The Rashidun Caliphate  الشهيد زيد بن علي
History of Revolutions
Revolution of Zayd ibn Ali: The Imam who Tried to Revive The Rashidun Caliphate الشهيد زيد بن علي
Revolution of Abdullah Ibn Al Zubayr: Martyred Caliph who was Crucified in Makkah عبد الله بن الزبير
History of Revolutions
Revolution of Abdullah Ibn Al Zubayr: Martyred Caliph who was Crucified in Makkah عبد الله بن الزبير
How Muslims Defeated The Crusaders: Heroic Jihad against Crusaders 1095-1291تاريخ الحروب الصليبية
History of Revolutions
How Muslims Defeated The Crusaders: Heroic Jihad against Crusaders 1095-1291تاريخ الحروب الصليبية
Muslim Resistance against Mongol Invasions: 1219-1260
History of Revolutions
Muslim Resistance against Mongol Invasions: 1219-1260
Revolution of Imam Hussein: Revolt against Monarchy and Tyranny ثورة الأمام الحسين
History of Revolutions
Revolution of Imam Hussein: Revolt against Monarchy and Tyranny ثورة الأمام الحسين
The Warrior who Defeated Roman and Persian Armies: Khalid Ibn Al Walid خالد بن الوليد
History of Revolutions
The Warrior who Defeated Roman and Persian Armies: Khalid Ibn Al Walid خالد بن الوليد
Islamic History of Art: Calligraphy, Poetry, Painting and Literature الفنون في التاريخ الاسلامي
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of Art: Calligraphy, Poetry, Painting and Literature الفنون في التاريخ الاسلامي
Justice in Islamic History: Judges, Courts and Righteous Rulers العدل في تاريخ الإسلام
History of Revolutions
Justice in Islamic History: Judges, Courts and Righteous Rulers العدل في تاريخ الإسلام
The Pursuit of Knowledge Throughout Islamic History: Scientists, Scholars and Explorers
History of Revolutions
The Pursuit of Knowledge Throughout Islamic History: Scientists, Scholars and Explorers
History of Islam in The Caucasus: Chechnya, Dagestan, Azerbaijan and Other Regions
History of Revolutions
History of Islam in The Caucasus: Chechnya, Dagestan, Azerbaijan and Other Regions
Islamic History of The Arabian Gulf: Merchants, Forts, and Mosques تاريخ الخليج العربي
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of The Arabian Gulf: Merchants, Forts, and Mosques تاريخ الخليج العربي
History of Islam in West Africa: Wealthy Kingdoms, Scholars and Merchants
History of Revolutions
History of Islam in West Africa: Wealthy Kingdoms, Scholars and Merchants
Islamic History of East Africa: Sultanates and Flourishing Ports تاريخ شرق أفريقيا
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of East Africa: Sultanates and Flourishing Ports تاريخ شرق أفريقيا
Islamic History of North Africa: Social Justice and Architecture تاريخ شمال إفريقيا
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of North Africa: Social Justice and Architecture تاريخ شمال إفريقيا
Islamic History of Palestine: Religious Tolerance, Architecture and Science تاريخ فلسطين
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of Palestine: Religious Tolerance, Architecture and Science تاريخ فلسطين
History of Hejaz: Fom the Time of the Prophet to the Fall of the Ottomans تاريخ الحجاز
History of Revolutions
History of Hejaz: Fom the Time of the Prophet to the Fall of the Ottomans تاريخ الحجاز
Islamic History of Central Asia: Conquerors, Warriors and Sufis
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of Central Asia: Conquerors, Warriors and Sufis
History of Islam in Europe: Justice, Science and Social Reform
History of Revolutions
History of Islam in Europe: Justice, Science and Social Reform
Islamic History of Persia: Civilisation, Science, Literature and Art تاریخ اسلام در ایران
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of Persia: Civilisation, Science, Literature and Art تاریخ اسلام در ایران
Islamic History of Yemen: independent States, Tribes, Sufism and Science تاريخ اليمن الإسلامي
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of Yemen: independent States, Tribes, Sufism and Science تاريخ اليمن الإسلامي
Islamic History of South East Asia: Merchants, Kingdoms and Scholars (Islam di Asia Tenggara)
History of Revolutions
Islamic History of South East Asia: Merchants, Kingdoms and Scholars (Islam di Asia Tenggara)
History of Islam in China: Contributions to Chinese Civilisation 中国伊斯兰教 
History of Revolutions
History of Islam in China: Contributions to Chinese Civilisation 中国伊斯兰教 
History of Islam in The Indian Subcontinent: Sultanates, Empires and States ہندوستان کی اسلامی تاریخ
History of Revolutions
History of Islam in The Indian Subcontinent: Sultanates, Empires and States ہندوستان کی اسلامی تاریخ
Exiled Persian Poet who Confronted Kings: Hafez Shirazi حافظ شیرازی
History of Revolutions
Exiled Persian Poet who Confronted Kings: Hafez Shirazi حافظ شیرازی
Al Farabi: Polymath and Reformer أبو نصر الفارابي
History of Revolutions
Al Farabi: Polymath and Reformer أبو نصر الفارابي
Mamluk Sultanate: Military, Architecture and Scientific Achievements دولة المماليك
History of Revolutions
Mamluk Sultanate: Military, Architecture and Scientific Achievements دولة المماليك
Rashidun Caliphate: Era of Justice and Prosperity الخلفاء الراشدون
History of Revolutions
Rashidun Caliphate: Era of Justice and Prosperity الخلفاء الراشدون
The Imprisoned Sufi who Advised Seljuk and Ayyubid Kings: Ibn Arabi محيي الدين بن عربي
History of Revolutions
The Imprisoned Sufi who Advised Seljuk and Ayyubid Kings: Ibn Arabi محيي الدين بن عربي
The Historian who Died Under House Arrest: Al Tabari محمد بن جرير الطبري
History of Revolutions
The Historian who Died Under House Arrest: Al Tabari محمد بن جرير الطبري
The Exiled Imam who Rejected Tyranny: Ahmad bin Hanbal الإمام أحمد بن حنبل
History of Revolutions
The Exiled Imam who Rejected Tyranny: Ahmad bin Hanbal الإمام أحمد بن حنبل
The Social Reformer of Baghdad: Abdul Qadir Al Jilani عبد القادر الجيلاني
History of Revolutions
The Social Reformer of Baghdad: Abdul Qadir Al Jilani عبد القادر الجيلاني
The Tortured Scholar who Shook Kings with his Eloquence: Imam Malik الإمام مالك بن أنس
History of Revolutions
The Tortured Scholar who Shook Kings with his Eloquence: Imam Malik الإمام مالك بن أنس
The Palestinian Lawyer who Resisted Zionism: Ahmad Al Shuqairi أحمد الشقيري
History of Revolutions
The Palestinian Lawyer who Resisted Zionism: Ahmad Al Shuqairi أحمد الشقيري
Deposed King who Supported Palestine: Talal bin Abdullah الملك طلال بن عبدالله
History of Revolutions
Deposed King who Supported Palestine: Talal bin Abdullah الملك طلال بن عبدالله
The Poisoned Polymath who Resisted Tyranny: Imam Jafar al-Sadiq الإمام جعفر الصادق
History of Revolutions
The Poisoned Polymath who Resisted Tyranny: Imam Jafar al-Sadiq الإمام جعفر الصادق
The Judge From Gaza who Escaped Execution: Imam Al-Shafi'i الإمام الشافعي
History of Revolutions
The Judge From Gaza who Escaped Execution: Imam Al-Shafi'i الإمام الشافعي
The Scholar Jailed by Umayyads and Killed by Abbasids: Abu Hanifah الإمام أبو حنيفة
History of Revolutions
The Scholar Jailed by Umayyads and Killed by Abbasids: Abu Hanifah الإمام أبو حنيفة
The Imam who Fought Mongols and Rescued Christians: Ibn Taymiyya تقي الدين أحمد بن تيمية
History of Revolutions
The Imam who Fought Mongols and Rescued Christians: Ibn Taymiyya تقي الدين أحمد بن تيمية
Palestinian Imam who was Imprisoned and Exiled: Amin Al Husseini الحاج محمد أمين الحسيني
History of Revolutions
Palestinian Imam who was Imprisoned and Exiled: Amin Al Husseini الحاج محمد أمين الحسيني
The Austrian Muslim who Resisted Zionism: Muhammad Asad محمد أسد
History of Revolutions
The Austrian Muslim who Resisted Zionism: Muhammad Asad محمد أسد