Dua for Pain Relief : Audhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhadhiru
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Pain Relief : Audhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhadhiru
Dua Upon Entering a City or Village ᴴᴰ : دعاء للسفر: دعاء عند دخول القرية
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua Upon Entering a City or Village ᴴᴰ : دعاء للسفر: دعاء عند دخول القرية
Powerful Dua for Prosperity and Well-Being in Religion, Life, Family, and Wealth
Dua and supplication in Islam
Powerful Dua for Prosperity and Well-Being in Religion, Life, Family, and Wealth
One hadith | One Minute: Generosity in Ramadan : رَمَضَان وَالْجُودُ #ramadan #generosity  #islam
Dua and supplication in Islam
One hadith | One Minute: Generosity in Ramadan : رَمَضَان وَالْجُودُ #ramadan #generosity #islam
Ruqyah for Shifa: Healing Pain and Sickness : Allahuma adhibil-bas Raban-naas : الرقية الشفاء
Dua and supplication in Islam
Ruqyah for Shifa: Healing Pain and Sickness : Allahuma adhibil-bas Raban-naas : الرقية الشفاء
One Hadith | One Minute: Upon whom hell fire is forbidden? #hadith #islam #gentleness #easygoing
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute: Upon whom hell fire is forbidden? #hadith #islam #gentleness #easygoing
One Hadith | One Minute (responsibility lies upon the initiator) #hadith #islam
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (responsibility lies upon the initiator) #hadith #islam
Dua to be thankful to Allah,  have accepted deeds, reformed children, repenting and submitting :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to be thankful to Allah, have accepted deeds, reformed children, repenting and submitting :
Recite this Dua on the sick : Ruqyah to Banish Evil Eye and Heal Sickness  الرقية الشفاء
Dua and supplication in Islam
Recite this Dua on the sick : Ruqyah to Banish Evil Eye and Heal Sickness الرقية الشفاء
Dua to Hide Faults & Conceal Shortcomings : دعاء الستر
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to Hide Faults & Conceal Shortcomings : دعاء الستر
Expiation of saying disbelief by mistake : كفارة القول بالكفر عن طريق الخطأ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Expiation of saying disbelief by mistake : كفارة القول بالكفر عن طريق الخطأ
One Hadith | One Minute (When Night Falls) #hadith #islam #quran
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (When Night Falls) #hadith #islam #quran
One Hadith | One Minute (Most Hated of Men to Allah) #hadith #quran #islam
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Most Hated of Men to Allah) #hadith #quran #islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Heedlessness) #hadith #islam #quran
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Heedlessness) #hadith #islam #quran
Dua to render Jinn attacking you powerless, Ward Off Attacks, Safeguard Your Spiritual Space #jinn
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to render Jinn attacking you powerless, Ward Off Attacks, Safeguard Your Spiritual Space #jinn
Talbiyah of Hajj and Umrah | لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ | Labaik Allahumma Labbaik
Dua and supplication in Islam
Talbiyah of Hajj and Umrah | لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ | Labaik Allahumma Labbaik
Dua for Liberation from Oppression Tyranny & Persecution | دعاء للتحرير من الظلم  والاضطهاد
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Liberation from Oppression Tyranny & Persecution | دعاء للتحرير من الظلم والاضطهاد
Dua to cure Anxiety, Depression, Distress & Sickness | ذكر لكشف الغم، أو الهم، أو السقم، أو الشدة
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to cure Anxiety, Depression, Distress & Sickness | ذكر لكشف الغم، أو الهم، أو السقم، أو الشدة
Dua when something you dislike happens 2 |فَإِنْ غَلَبَكَ أَمْرٌ فَقُلْ |  What to say when you fail
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when something you dislike happens 2 |فَإِنْ غَلَبَكَ أَمْرٌ فَقُلْ | What to say when you fail
Dua for victory, steadfastness and perseverance : الدعاء من أجل النصر الثبات والصبر في سبيل الله
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for victory, steadfastness and perseverance : الدعاء من أجل النصر الثبات والصبر في سبيل الله
Dua when something you dislike happens 1 : إذا رأيت شيئاً  تكرهه ، قل
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when something you dislike happens 1 : إذا رأيت شيئاً تكرهه ، قل
Dua when something you like happens : إذا رأيت شيئاً تحبه، قل
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when something you like happens : إذا رأيت شيئاً تحبه، قل
How to make Dua for dead | دعاء للميت | Dua for the deceased
Dua and supplication in Islam
How to make Dua for dead | دعاء للميت | Dua for the deceased
Dua to Get Out of Difficulty | دعاء أصحاب الكهف | Dua Ashab ul Kahf
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to Get Out of Difficulty | دعاء أصحاب الكهف | Dua Ashab ul Kahf
A Powerful Dhikr for Safety & Great Reward
Dua and supplication in Islam
A Powerful Dhikr for Safety & Great Reward
Introduction to Islam for Christians : A Christian's Guide to Shared Beliefs and Differences.
Dua and supplication in Islam
Introduction to Islam for Christians : A Christian's Guide to Shared Beliefs and Differences.
Dua to Solve all Problems ᴴᴰ | Hasbi Allah | حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to Solve all Problems ᴴᴰ | Hasbi Allah | حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ
Dua for Travelling [3] : Dua from Quran : دعاء السفر من القرآن
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Travelling [3] : Dua from Quran : دعاء السفر من القرآن
Dua for Travelling [2] ᴴᴰ: After Boarding : (for forgiveness) : دعاء السفر
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Travelling [2] ᴴᴰ: After Boarding : (for forgiveness) : دعاء السفر
Dua for Travelling [1] : Protection from hardships and misfortune  : دعا السفر
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Travelling [1] : Protection from hardships and misfortune : دعا السفر
Daily Dhikr for Forgiveness of Sins ᴴᴰ : الذِكْرُ اليَوْمِيُّ لِمُغْفِرَةِ الذُّنُوبِ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Daily Dhikr for Forgiveness of Sins ᴴᴰ : الذِكْرُ اليَوْمِيُّ لِمُغْفِرَةِ الذُّنُوبِ
Dua for Protection from Storms
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Protection from Storms
Ruqyah Curing Evil Eye  | رُقْيَةِ الْعَيْنِ | Removes Evil Eye
Dua and supplication in Islam
Ruqyah Curing Evil Eye | رُقْيَةِ الْعَيْنِ | Removes Evil Eye
Dua for Ease of Difficulty, to Make Things Easy ᴴᴰ (اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا)
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Ease of Difficulty, to Make Things Easy ᴴᴰ (اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا)
Protection against  Satan, Nafs and Harm ᴴᴰ : Recite when going to bed or in the morning:
Dua and supplication in Islam
Protection against Satan, Nafs and Harm ᴴᴰ : Recite when going to bed or in the morning:
Entering Morning/Evening Daily Dua ᴴᴰ: أذكار الصباح والمساء
Dua and supplication in Islam
Entering Morning/Evening Daily Dua ᴴᴰ: أذكار الصباح والمساء
How to Pray Istikhara ᴴᴰ :  الاستخارة
Dua and supplication in Islam
How to Pray Istikhara ᴴᴰ : الاستخارة
Dua that protect against harm ᴴᴰ : دعاء الحفظ من الضر
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua that protect against harm ᴴᴰ : دعاء الحفظ من الضر
Dua/Tasbeh : Easy to Say  & Heavy on Scale of Deeds ᴴᴰ: تسبيح يثقل في الميزان : Recite and Memorize
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua/Tasbeh : Easy to Say & Heavy on Scale of Deeds ᴴᴰ: تسبيح يثقل في الميزان : Recite and Memorize
Ayatul Kursi [Protection From Devils and Jinn] ᴴᴰ آیت الکرسی
Dua and supplication in Islam
Ayatul Kursi [Protection From Devils and Jinn] ᴴᴰ آیت الکرسی
Dua: Breaking fast in someone’s home ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua: Breaking fast in someone’s home ᴴᴰ :
Dua : Breaking Fast ᴴᴰ |  دعاء الصائم عند فطره
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua : Breaking Fast ᴴᴰ | دعاء الصائم عند فطره
Dua for seeing the new moon ᴴᴰ : دعاء رؤية الهلال : Dua for new month
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for seeing the new moon ᴴᴰ : دعاء رؤية الهلال : Dua for new month
Dua for one who intends to give food or drink ᴴᴰ:
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for one who intends to give food or drink ᴴᴰ:
Dua when food is served ᴴᴰ : مَنْ أَطْعَمَهُ اللَّهُ الطَّعَامَ فَلْيَقُلْ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when food is served ᴴᴰ : مَنْ أَطْعَمَهُ اللَّهُ الطَّعَامَ فَلْيَقُلْ
Dua for Condolence [2] ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Condolence [2] ᴴᴰ :
One Hadith | One Minute (Pens are lifted)
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Pens are lifted)
Dua for Condolence [1] ᴴᴰ : أفضل ما يقال في التعزية
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Condolence [1] ᴴᴰ : أفضل ما يقال في التعزية
Dua in Tragedy and Loss | دعاء المصيبة | Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua in Tragedy and Loss | دعاء المصيبة | Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun
One Hadith | One Minute (Matters of The Most High)
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Matters of The Most High)
Dua For Sneezing (What To Say and How To Respond) ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua For Sneezing (What To Say and How To Respond) ᴴᴰ
Dua After Eating [2] : Al-hamdulillāhi hamdan kathiran ᴴᴰ : الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ حَمْدًا كَثِيرًا
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua After Eating [2] : Al-hamdulillāhi hamdan kathiran ᴴᴰ : الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ حَمْدًا كَثِيرًا
One Hadith | One Minute (Good words and evil words)
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Good words and evil words)
Dua After Eating (Alhamdulillahi al-ladi aṭamani) ᴴᴰ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي أَطْعَمَنِي هَذَا
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua After Eating (Alhamdulillahi al-ladi aṭamani) ᴴᴰ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي أَطْعَمَنِي هَذَا
Dua before eating and what to say if you forget ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua before eating and what to say if you forget ᴴᴰ
One Hadith | One Minute (Two reciters of Quran)
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Two reciters of Quran)
Dua for protection from Shirk ᴴᴰ : (Removes minor and major shirk)
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for protection from Shirk ᴴᴰ : (Removes minor and major shirk)
One Hadith | One Minute (Who will not enter Jannah?)
Dua and supplication in Islam
One Hadith | One Minute (Who will not enter Jannah?)
Dua Upon Seeing Someone In Trial Or Tribulation ᴴᴰ : Al-ḥamdulillahi alladhi aafani : (Protection)
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua Upon Seeing Someone In Trial Or Tribulation ᴴᴰ : Al-ḥamdulillahi alladhi aafani : (Protection)
Dua for the Newlywed (How to Congratulate) ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for the Newlywed (How to Congratulate) ᴴᴰ
Dua Before Intercourse (Child born of such union will be protected from Satan)
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua Before Intercourse (Child born of such union will be protected from Satan)
Dua On Wedding Night ᴴᴰ (Marriage Night)
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua On Wedding Night ᴴᴰ (Marriage Night)
Dua for the dead : Funeral dua 2 (for forgiveness)
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for the dead : Funeral dua 2 (for forgiveness)
Dua for Victory, Protection and Blessing (Daily Dua to Start Day) ᴴᴰ:
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Victory, Protection and Blessing (Daily Dua to Start Day) ᴴᴰ:
Dua for The Sick Who Has Lost All Hope : (Al-Rafeeq-il-Aala Dua) ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for The Sick Who Has Lost All Hope : (Al-Rafeeq-il-Aala Dua) ᴴᴰ
Dua to conceal or hide faults
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to conceal or hide faults
Dua for Safety, Protection, Hiding Faults, and Forgiveness: Morning/Evening ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Safety, Protection, Hiding Faults, and Forgiveness: Morning/Evening ᴴᴰ
Dua for Settling of Debt, and for Halal Provision (Rizq)
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Settling of Debt, and for Halal Provision (Rizq)
Dua to Solve all Problems Asking Allah's Help :Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum ᴴᴰ : يا حي يا قيوم برحمتك أستغيث
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua to Solve all Problems Asking Allah's Help :Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum ᴴᴰ : يا حي يا قيوم برحمتك أستغيث
Syed al-Istighfar  (best way of asking forgiveness) : سید الاستغفار
Dua and supplication in Islam
Syed al-Istighfar (best way of asking forgiveness) : سید الاستغفار
Dua for Protection from Poverty, Disbelief and Punishment of Grave ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Protection from Poverty, Disbelief and Punishment of Grave ᴴᴰ :
Dua for forgiveness of sins : Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi: سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ‏
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for forgiveness of sins : Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi: سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ‏
Daily dua for success on the Day of Judgment ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Daily dua for success on the Day of Judgment ᴴᴰ
Evening/Morning Daily Dua (protection from; laziness, pride, hellfire and grave) ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Evening/Morning Daily Dua (protection from; laziness, pride, hellfire and grave) ᴴᴰ :
Zikr/Dhikr to Fix Distress & Hardship
Dua and supplication in Islam
Zikr/Dhikr to Fix Distress & Hardship
Dua After Wudu (ablution) 2 ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua After Wudu (ablution) 2 ᴴᴰ :
Dua After Wudu (ablution) ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua After Wudu (ablution) ᴴᴰ :
Dua when leaving a Mosque - exiting a Masjid 2 ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when leaving a Mosque - exiting a Masjid 2 ᴴᴰ :
Dua when leaving a Mosque - exiting a Masjid 1:
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when leaving a Mosque - exiting a Masjid 1:
Dua when entering a Mosque - entering a masjid 3
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when entering a Mosque - entering a masjid 3
Dua for entering a mosque - Entering a masjid 2 ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for entering a mosque - Entering a masjid 2 ᴴᴰ :
Dua when entering a Mosque 1:
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua when entering a Mosque 1:
Dua For Getting Dressed  ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua For Getting Dressed ᴴᴰ :
Dua for protection from stranger’s unwanted attention ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for protection from stranger’s unwanted attention ᴴᴰ :
Dua for Parents ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Parents ᴴᴰ :
Dua for Lailat-ul-Qadr (دعاء ليلة القدر) ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Lailat-ul-Qadr (دعاء ليلة القدر) ᴴᴰ :
Dhikr For Patience During Dawah (preaching) ᴴᴰ :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dhikr For Patience During Dawah (preaching) ᴴᴰ :
Dua for asking for a Righteous Child/Progeny : Rabbi Habbli (Dua of Ibraheem a.s) ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for asking for a Righteous Child/Progeny : Rabbi Habbli (Dua of Ibraheem a.s) ᴴᴰ
Dua for Protection from Sins, Calamities and Oppressive Rulers, Dua to Attain Taqwa and Sincerity ᴴᴰ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for Protection from Sins, Calamities and Oppressive Rulers, Dua to Attain Taqwa and Sincerity ᴴᴰ
Allah is near...
Dua and supplication in Islam
Allah is near...
Dua for protection :
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for protection :
Durood [2] : How to recite blessings on the Prophet
Dua and supplication in Islam
Durood [2] : How to recite blessings on the Prophet
Durood Ibrahim : How to recite blessings on the Prophet after the Tashahhud
Dua and supplication in Islam
Durood Ibrahim : How to recite blessings on the Prophet after the Tashahhud
Attahiyat : Main Dua for Tashahhud (sitting in prayer) : التَّحِيَّاتُ لِلَّهِ وَالصَّلَوَاتُ
Dua and supplication in Islam
Attahiyat : Main Dua for Tashahhud (sitting in prayer) : التَّحِيَّاتُ لِلَّهِ وَالصَّلَوَاتُ
Dua for sitting between two prostrations [1]
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for sitting between two prostrations [1]
Dua for sitting between two prostrations [2]
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua for sitting between two prostrations [2]
Invocations for rising from the Ruku [3]
Dua and supplication in Islam
Invocations for rising from the Ruku [3]
Invocations for rising from the Ruku [2]
Dua and supplication in Islam
Invocations for rising from the Ruku [2]
Invocations for rising from the Ruku [1]
Dua and supplication in Islam
Invocations for rising from the Ruku [1]
Dua during Sujood (Prostration) [6] : For Forgiveness :دعاء الاستغفار في السجود
Dua and supplication in Islam
Dua during Sujood (Prostration) [6] : For Forgiveness :دعاء الاستغفار في السجود