If you see a player head outside your house, Run away!  (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see a player head outside your house, Run away! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your Horse turns into a shadow, Don't get close to it!  (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your Horse turns into a shadow, Don't get close to it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Don't eat this Apple... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Don't eat this Apple... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you find a Village in the middle of the ocean, Don't go there! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you find a Village in the middle of the ocean, Don't go there! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see trees without Leaf, Delete your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see trees without Leaf, Delete your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see Portals spawning around your house, Don't go in them! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see Portals spawning around your house, Don't go in them! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see a Trader kill it's own Llamas, He will kill you next! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see a Trader kill it's own Llamas, He will kill you next! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your dog keeps running away from your house, He is planning to kill you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your dog keeps running away from your house, He is planning to kill you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Someone was in my Singleplayer world before me... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Someone was in my Singleplayer world before me... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
The water from this river kills everyone! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
The water from this river kills everyone! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Never keep your pet Axolotl outside, They will turn Evil! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Never keep your pet Axolotl outside, They will turn Evil! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Headless Hoglin, Delete the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Headless Hoglin, Delete the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
When the Blood Rain starts, Stay Underground! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
When the Blood Rain starts, Stay Underground! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see him at midnight, you are DEAD! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see him at midnight, you are DEAD! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Headless Warden, Stay Quiet! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Headless Warden, Stay Quiet! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Don't keep Dolphins as a pet, They will become deadly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Don't keep Dolphins as a pet, They will become deadly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
This hole of Void swallows your World! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
This hole of Void swallows your World! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see a Tree grow on sand, Run away from it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see a Tree grow on sand, Run away from it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see his face at night, Leave the server! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see his face at night, Leave the server! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
This Enderman killed the Dragon by itself! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
This Enderman killed the Dragon by itself! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your Crafting Table started moving, Check your antivirus! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your Crafting Table started moving, Check your antivirus! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
I found this sign in my world, then Strange things started happening... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
I found this sign in my world, then Strange things started happening... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Bear spawn where it shouldn't,  Leave the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Bear spawn where it shouldn't, Leave the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your dog started killing your farm mobs, RUN! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your dog started killing your farm mobs, RUN! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
This cow will spawn when you are Sleep... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
This cow will spawn when you are Sleep... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Horse with no head, Run away from it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Horse with no head, Run away from it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
This Creeper was not Normal... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
This Creeper was not Normal... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see him running after you with a Chainsaw, Leave the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see him running after you with a Chainsaw, Leave the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
My friend entered a cave and I found his Corpse there! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
My friend entered a cave and I found his Corpse there! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see a Ghast in the overworld, Don't chase it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see a Ghast in the overworld, Don't chase it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your cows start disappearing and you find their corpse, Burn it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your cows start disappearing and you find their corpse, Burn it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Something is wrong with this Skeleton... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Something is wrong with this Skeleton... (Minecraft Creepypasta)
What happened to my Villager? (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
What happened to my Villager? (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you find a fox in the Nether, Don't bring it home! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you find a fox in the Nether, Don't bring it home! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If a random chest spawns in your world, Don't take it home! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If a random chest spawns in your world, Don't take it home! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you find this bloody Sniffer egg, Don't let it hatch! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you find this bloody Sniffer egg, Don't let it hatch! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Villagers skinned him alive and he became a Demon and killed everyone! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Villagers skinned him alive and he became a Demon and killed everyone! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Distorted Witch, leave your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Distorted Witch, leave your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Villager with no arms, Leave that world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Villager with no arms, Leave that world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If a Bee goes to the Nether, It will comeback as an Evil one! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If a Bee goes to the Nether, It will comeback as an Evil one! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Sleeping in this Bed might kill you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Sleeping in this Bed might kill you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your Allay starts killing other mobs, Run away from him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your Allay starts killing other mobs, Run away from him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Golem with no arms, Run before it kills you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Golem with no arms, Run before it kills you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you enter this Hacked version of Minecraft, There is no way back! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you enter this Hacked version of Minecraft, There is no way back! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see this Ghost, Run from him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see this Ghost, Run from him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you enter into his cave, He will kill you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you enter into his cave, He will kill you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your Furnaces start Vanishing, Your world is deadly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your Furnaces start Vanishing, Your world is deadly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see this Enderman, Delete Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see this Enderman, Delete Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you leave your Camel in Nether, It will turn into a Demon! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you leave your Camel in Nether, It will turn into a Demon! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Turtle with no head, Run away from it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Turtle with no head, Run away from it! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Never trap a Zombie in ice, He will become Deadly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Never trap a Zombie in ice, He will become Deadly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Deadly Hand! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Deadly Hand! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see a Goat killing mobs in your server,Leave before he kills you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see a Goat killing mobs in your server,Leave before he kills you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your Chicken starts eating the others, Kill him immediately! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your Chicken starts eating the others, Kill him immediately! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Red Eyes! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Red Eyes! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Panda with no head, Delete your Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Panda with no head, Delete your Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
This Skeleton head came back alive as a Demon ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
This Skeleton head came back alive as a Demon ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you burn a Creeper in lava, It turns into Skeleton Creeper! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you burn a Creeper in lava, It turns into Skeleton Creeper! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see this creature in Woodland Mansion, Leave the Mansion NOW! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see this creature in Woodland Mansion, Leave the Mansion NOW! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you ever see a Llama with no head, Delete your Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you ever see a Llama with no head, Delete your Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If a pig starts killing the others, Stay away from him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If a pig starts killing the others, Stay away from him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
The Vampire! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
The Vampire! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you find Steve in your offline world, He is not friendly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you find Steve in your offline world, He is not friendly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If a Villager acts unusual, Kill him before he turns into this! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If a Villager acts unusual, Kill him before he turns into this! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you imprison a creeper, It will become DEADLY! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you imprison a creeper, It will become DEADLY! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If the Smile comes to your house, Leave it immediately! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If the Smile comes to your house, Leave it immediately! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you take Mooshrooms away from their spawn, They will turn Evil! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you take Mooshrooms away from their spawn, They will turn Evil! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see a villager becomes Headless, RUN! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see a villager becomes Headless, RUN! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Santa is Dead! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Santa is Dead! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Lost Soul! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Lost Soul! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If the Scarecrow vanished from your farm, It has turned into a Demon! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If the Scarecrow vanished from your farm, It has turned into a Demon! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you hear the sound of a Chainsaw, Run away! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you hear the sound of a Chainsaw, Run away! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If a pumpkin keeps spawning in front of you, He is not normal! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If a pumpkin keeps spawning in front of you, He is not normal! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Skulk Evoker! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Skulk Evoker! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Don't go outside when you hear his voice, Slenderman! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Don't go outside when you hear his voice, Slenderman! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Drowned Skeleton! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Drowned Skeleton! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
I burned a zombie and it became Skinless ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
I burned a zombie and it became Skinless ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Player Head that came back to life as a DEMON ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Player Head that came back to life as a DEMON ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see the Smiling Face at night, Log out of the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see the Smiling Face at night, Log out of the game! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If the chest in your house starts moving It's place, You are in DANGER ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If the chest in your house starts moving It's place, You are in DANGER ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Long Legged Steve ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Long Legged Steve ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Check under your bed before sleeping! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Check under your bed before sleeping! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Five Nights at Freddy's in Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Five Nights at Freddy's in Minecraft! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Cursed Sheep! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Cursed Sheep! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see this creatureat night, Run away! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see this creatureat night, Run away! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If a villager keeps getting close to you, It is not friendly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If a villager keeps getting close to you, It is not friendly! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Deadly Desert Temple in 1.21 ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Deadly Desert Temple in 1.21 ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your friends start vanishing in the server, Delete the server! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your friends start vanishing in the server, Delete the server! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
USER 601! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
USER 601! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see this spider in your world, Don't get close to it ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see this spider in your world, Don't get close to it ! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If the name of your friend dissappears in Minecraft, someone is Hacking you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If the name of your friend dissappears in Minecraft, someone is Hacking you! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see an Armor Stand that can move by itself, RUN an antivirus! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see an Armor Stand that can move by itself, RUN an antivirus! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your cat starts killing other mobs, Leave your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your cat starts killing other mobs, Leave your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you see random holes on the ground, This creature is living inside them! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you see random holes on the ground, This creature is living inside them! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If your villagers start disappearing, This creature is in your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If your villagers start disappearing, This creature is in your world! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If you witness an Enderman spawn while you are on PEACEFUL mode, RUN! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If you witness an Enderman spawn while you are on PEACEFUL mode, RUN! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Don't leave your cows under the ground! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Don't leave your cows under the ground! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
If a random player who doesn't move joined your server, Ban him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
If a random player who doesn't move joined your server, Ban him! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Faceless Steve! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Faceless Steve! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Unknown Golem! (Minecraft Creepypasta)
Not William
Unknown Golem! (Minecraft Creepypasta)