Hunting insects in the wild‼️catch red beetle, caterpillar, mantis, king grasshopper, jump spider
mister insect
Hunting insects in the wild‼️catch red beetle, caterpillar, mantis, king grasshopper, jump spider
Cricket attacked by centipede‼️catch longlegs spider, crab, giant katydid, chameleon, caterpillar
mister insect
Cricket attacked by centipede‼️catch longlegs spider, crab, giant katydid, chameleon, caterpillar
Hunt down the grasshopper king‼️catch chameleon, hairy caterpillar, butterfly, golden orb spider
mister insect
Hunt down the grasshopper king‼️catch chameleon, hairy caterpillar, butterfly, golden orb spider
Centipede fight with lizard‼️catch centipede, lizard, millipede, damselfly, wasp, mantis, spider
mister insect
Centipede fight with lizard‼️catch centipede, lizard, millipede, damselfly, wasp, mantis, spider
Hunting spiders along the river‼️weaver spider, jump spider, wolf spider, spiny spider, orb spider
mister insect
Hunting spiders along the river‼️weaver spider, jump spider, wolf spider, spiny spider, orb spider
Hunting red beetles in the snakefruit farm‼️catch jump spider, katydid, longhorn beetle, orb spider
mister insect
Hunting red beetles in the snakefruit farm‼️catch jump spider, katydid, longhorn beetle, orb spider
Hunting centipede and catching baby shark
mister insect
Hunting centipede and catching baby shark
Amazing unique red beetle hunting‼️catch red palm weevil, giant black cicada, rhinoceros beetle
mister insect
Amazing unique red beetle hunting‼️catch red palm weevil, giant black cicada, rhinoceros beetle
Hunting cute spiders‼️catch long horned spider, widow spider, red beetle, spiny spider, jump spider
mister insect
Hunting cute spiders‼️catch long horned spider, widow spider, red beetle, spiny spider, jump spider
Catch locust, grass lizard, tiny mantis, hairy caterpillar
mister insect
Catch locust, grass lizard, tiny mantis, hairy caterpillar
Hunting various types of dragonflies and damselflies
mister insect
Hunting various types of dragonflies and damselflies
Walk and catch any insects
mister insect
Walk and catch any insects
Fishing for black scorpions‼️catch hairy caterpillar, praying mantis, chameleon
mister insect
Fishing for black scorpions‼️catch hairy caterpillar, praying mantis, chameleon
Scary lappet moth caterpillar‼️hunting top insects in around us
mister insect
Scary lappet moth caterpillar‼️hunting top insects in around us
Hunting insects around us‼️catch widow spider, mantis, chameleon, grasshopper, grass lizard, cricket
mister insect
Hunting insects around us‼️catch widow spider, mantis, chameleon, grasshopper, grass lizard, cricket
Catch crab, tiny fish, water stick insect, water strider, water spider, nymph
mister insect
Catch crab, tiny fish, water stick insect, water strider, water spider, nymph
Hunting wolf spiders
mister insect
Hunting wolf spiders
Scorpion and crab fight in the container‼️catch wolf spider, damselfly, jewel beetle, little frog
mister insect
Scorpion and crab fight in the container‼️catch wolf spider, damselfly, jewel beetle, little frog
Catch various types of insects in the wild
mister insect
Catch various types of insects in the wild
Be careful with the poisonous baron caterpillar‼️catch caterpillar, jump spider, grasshopper, lizard
mister insect
Be careful with the poisonous baron caterpillar‼️catch caterpillar, jump spider, grasshopper, lizard
Catch chameleon, spider, grasshopper
mister insect
Catch chameleon, spider, grasshopper
Hunt for beautiful little spider
mister insect
Hunt for beautiful little spider
Hunt various types of insects in the wild
mister insect
Hunt various types of insects in the wild
Find the green poisonous frog nest
mister insect
Find the green poisonous frog nest
Hunting giant katydid
mister insect
Hunting giant katydid
Hunting giant grasshopper
mister insect
Hunting giant grasshopper
hunting insects during the wind season
mister insect
hunting insects during the wind season
Hunting insects in the wild‼️catch baby spider, baby chameleon, baby grasshopper, dragonfly
mister insect
Hunting insects in the wild‼️catch baby spider, baby chameleon, baby grasshopper, dragonfly
Hunting widow spiders..!!! bit me
mister insect
Hunting widow spiders..!!! bit me
Hunting spider
mister insect
Hunting spider
Bitten by a crab‼️catch giraffe mantis, giant grasshopper, baby frog, dragonfly, chameleon
mister insect
Bitten by a crab‼️catch giraffe mantis, giant grasshopper, baby frog, dragonfly, chameleon
Catch grass lizard, mantis, black crab, caterpillar, dragonfly, damselfly, locust, assaasin bug
mister insect
Catch grass lizard, mantis, black crab, caterpillar, dragonfly, damselfly, locust, assaasin bug
Trap small fish‼️catch crab, baby frog, little fish, mini jump spider
mister insect
Trap small fish‼️catch crab, baby frog, little fish, mini jump spider
Failed to catch the monitor lizard‼️catch baby mantis, green cicada, unique spider, click beetle
mister insect
Failed to catch the monitor lizard‼️catch baby mantis, green cicada, unique spider, click beetle
Hunting for incredible giant insects‼️black jump spider, wolf spider, asian mantis, giant worm
mister insect
Hunting for incredible giant insects‼️black jump spider, wolf spider, asian mantis, giant worm
Hunting millipedes‼️catch crab, garden millipede, centipede, beetle larvae, baby lizard, grasshopper
mister insect
Hunting millipedes‼️catch crab, garden millipede, centipede, beetle larvae, baby lizard, grasshopper
The biggest giant black jump spider i have ever found‼️catch giant grasshopper, black carpenter bee
mister insect
The biggest giant black jump spider i have ever found‼️catch giant grasshopper, black carpenter bee
The Amazing Hunt of the Asian Praying Mantis
mister insect
The Amazing Hunt of the Asian Praying Mantis
Amazing giant cricket hunting‼️catch metallic bug, caterpillar, mantis, cricket, roach, centipede
mister insect
Amazing giant cricket hunting‼️catch metallic bug, caterpillar, mantis, cricket, roach, centipede
Attacked by vespa wasps
mister insect
Attacked by vespa wasps
Pinched by a crabs‼️catch yellow dobsonfly, mantis, locust, crab, frog
mister insect
Pinched by a crabs‼️catch yellow dobsonfly, mantis, locust, crab, frog
How to catch giant lappet moth caterpillar
mister insect
How to catch giant lappet moth caterpillar
The pungent smell of stink bugs‼️caterpillar, giant grasshopper, ant fly, mantis, dragonfly, spider
mister insect
The pungent smell of stink bugs‼️caterpillar, giant grasshopper, ant fly, mantis, dragonfly, spider
What happens if a snake meets a chameleon in one container
mister insect
What happens if a snake meets a chameleon in one container
Discover the amazing orb web spider‼️catch mantis, golden orb spider, lizard, hornet, caterpillar
mister insect
Discover the amazing orb web spider‼️catch mantis, golden orb spider, lizard, hornet, caterpillar
Hunting insects in the wild‼️catch mantis, spider ant, ant, leech, baby chameleon, dragonfy, spider
mister insect
Hunting insects in the wild‼️catch mantis, spider ant, ant, leech, baby chameleon, dragonfy, spider
Back to hunting for spiders‼️catch weaver spider, lappet moth caterpillar, tiger beetle, mini mantis
mister insect
Back to hunting for spiders‼️catch weaver spider, lappet moth caterpillar, tiger beetle, mini mantis
Found the amazing baby monitor lizard‼️catch locust, caterpillar, grasshopper, assassin bug
mister insect
Found the amazing baby monitor lizard‼️catch locust, caterpillar, grasshopper, assassin bug
Amazing fiddler crab hunt‼️catch crab, hermit crab, jump spider, wasp, beetle
mister insect
Amazing fiddler crab hunt‼️catch crab, hermit crab, jump spider, wasp, beetle
Amazing unique beetle hunt‼️catch longhorn beetle, cricket, centipede, locust, dragonfly, tree frog
mister insect
Amazing unique beetle hunt‼️catch longhorn beetle, cricket, centipede, locust, dragonfly, tree frog
Make friends with wild monkeys‼️catch fiddler crab, mudskipper fish, snail, hermite crab, clam
mister insect
Make friends with wild monkeys‼️catch fiddler crab, mudskipper fish, snail, hermite crab, clam
Hunting insects on sumbawa island‼️catch caterpillar, millipede, grasshopper, beetle, snake
mister insect
Hunting insects on sumbawa island‼️catch caterpillar, millipede, grasshopper, beetle, snake
live streaming‼️crab hunting in the sea of ​​Sumbawa
mister insect
live streaming‼️crab hunting in the sea of ​​Sumbawa
Catch golden orb spiders, chameleons and giant grasshoppers
mister insect
Catch golden orb spiders, chameleons and giant grasshoppers
Are these two snakes venomous⁉️catch mantis, grasshopper, cute spider, crab, hairy caterpillar
mister insect
Are these two snakes venomous⁉️catch mantis, grasshopper, cute spider, crab, hairy caterpillar
Hunt various kinds of wild reptiles and insects using spider webs
mister insect
Hunt various kinds of wild reptiles and insects using spider webs
Found shellfish while hunting for crabs
mister insect
Found shellfish while hunting for crabs
Catch jumping spiders and their babies
mister insect
Catch jumping spiders and their babies
Hunting spiders using traditional tools‼️catch baby  spiders, praying mantises, damselflies
mister insect
Hunting spiders using traditional tools‼️catch baby spiders, praying mantises, damselflies
Save insects and animals‼️catch fish, crab, tarantula, water strider, nymph, frog, stick bug,
mister insect
Save insects and animals‼️catch fish, crab, tarantula, water strider, nymph, frog, stick bug,
Hunt insects in the wild‼️catch giant grasshoppers, mantises, grass lizards, green beetles, cicadas
mister insect
Hunt insects in the wild‼️catch giant grasshoppers, mantises, grass lizards, green beetles, cicadas
Hunting strawberry spiders and giant stick bugs‼️catch beetle, grasshopper, caterpillar, snake, crab
mister insect
Hunting strawberry spiders and giant stick bugs‼️catch beetle, grasshopper, caterpillar, snake, crab
How to tame wild insects‼️praying mantises, katydids, grasshoppers, caterpillars
mister insect
How to tame wild insects‼️praying mantises, katydids, grasshoppers, caterpillars
Hunt javanese tarantula‼️catch spider, spiny caterpillar, giant toad, damselfly, flying ant, katydid
mister insect
Hunt javanese tarantula‼️catch spider, spiny caterpillar, giant toad, damselfly, flying ant, katydid
Hunt the incredible giant grasshopper king‼️baby grasshopper, katydid, mantis, leaf-footed bug
mister insect
Hunt the incredible giant grasshopper king‼️baby grasshopper, katydid, mantis, leaf-footed bug
Caught an incredible big bat flying‼️giant moth caterpillar, beetle, big katydid, golden orb spider
mister insect
Caught an incredible big bat flying‼️giant moth caterpillar, beetle, big katydid, golden orb spider
Stag beetle attack giant cricket‼️hunt the grasshopper king and praying mantis
mister insect
Stag beetle attack giant cricket‼️hunt the grasshopper king and praying mantis
Catch various types of wild insects‼️grasshoppers, beetles, dragonflies, caterpillars, lizards
mister insect
Catch various types of wild insects‼️grasshoppers, beetles, dragonflies, caterpillars, lizards
Finally I discovered the lizard's incredible wildlife habitat
mister insect
Finally I discovered the lizard's incredible wildlife habitat
Hunting insect with village boys i just met‼️catch locus, golden beetle,spider, yellow mantis,lizard
mister insect
Hunting insect with village boys i just met‼️catch locus, golden beetle,spider, yellow mantis,lizard
What does it feel like to be bitten by a robber fly insect‼️caught lots of beautiful insects
mister insect
What does it feel like to be bitten by a robber fly insect‼️caught lots of beautiful insects
Hunt giant hissing cockroaches‼️catch katydid, masked hunter bug, centipede, millipede, spider
mister insect
Hunt giant hissing cockroaches‼️catch katydid, masked hunter bug, centipede, millipede, spider
Hunt cute jump spiders‼️catch tarantula, assassin bug, mantis, shield bug, dragonfly, caterpillar
mister insect
Hunt cute jump spiders‼️catch tarantula, assassin bug, mantis, shield bug, dragonfly, caterpillar
Blinding bugs spraying liquid into my eyes‼️cicada, leafhopper, grasshopper, frog, puss caterpillar
mister insect
Blinding bugs spraying liquid into my eyes‼️cicada, leafhopper, grasshopper, frog, puss caterpillar
Find a cute baby gecko‼️catch tarantula, big moth, worm, demon horned spider, lizard, chameleon
mister insect
Find a cute baby gecko‼️catch tarantula, big moth, worm, demon horned spider, lizard, chameleon
Pinched by a stag beetle‼️catch giant grasshopper, big mantis, locust, green snake
mister insect
Pinched by a stag beetle‼️catch giant grasshopper, big mantis, locust, green snake
Find orchid mantis habitat‼️catch stick insect, jewel dragonfly, orb weaver spider, longhorn beetle
mister insect
Find orchid mantis habitat‼️catch stick insect, jewel dragonfly, orb weaver spider, longhorn beetle
Injured by chameleon bite‼️catch fly, mantis, cicada, dragonfly, caterpillar, katydid, damselfly
mister insect
Injured by chameleon bite‼️catch fly, mantis, cicada, dragonfly, caterpillar, katydid, damselfly
Hunting for beautiful little spiders‼️catch spider, cricket, grasshopper, bug
mister insect
Hunting for beautiful little spiders‼️catch spider, cricket, grasshopper, bug
Praying mantis are cannibal‼️hunt katydid grasshopper, lizard, red dragonfly, giant beetle larvae
mister insect
Praying mantis are cannibal‼️hunt katydid grasshopper, lizard, red dragonfly, giant beetle larvae
Hunting aggressive reptiles‼️catch green cicada, giant grasshopper, tree snake, mane chameleon
mister insect
Hunting aggressive reptiles‼️catch green cicada, giant grasshopper, tree snake, mane chameleon
Hunting cubby frogs‼️catch toad, fish, tadpole, water insect, assassin bug, cranefly
mister insect
Hunting cubby frogs‼️catch toad, fish, tadpole, water insect, assassin bug, cranefly
Hunt for weaver spiders and widow spiders‼️frog, cicada, praying mantis, katydid, golden beetle
mister insect
Hunt for weaver spiders and widow spiders‼️frog, cicada, praying mantis, katydid, golden beetle
Hunting freshwater animals‼️catch water beetle, water larvae, tadpole, frog, insect water, eel
mister insect
Hunting freshwater animals‼️catch water beetle, water larvae, tadpole, frog, insect water, eel
The frog king escapes‼️hunt venom snake, red claw crab, demon horned spider
mister insect
The frog king escapes‼️hunt venom snake, red claw crab, demon horned spider
Is this what is called gagamba‼️grasshopper, katydid, spider, caterpillar, snake, mantis, wasp ant
mister insect
Is this what is called gagamba‼️grasshopper, katydid, spider, caterpillar, snake, mantis, wasp ant
Hunt amazing giant stick bugs‼️️catch metalic green beetle, baby chameleon, grasshopper, crab spider
mister insect
Hunt amazing giant stick bugs‼️️catch metalic green beetle, baby chameleon, grasshopper, crab spider
Hunting beetles‼️catch golden beetle, longhorn beetle, stag beetle, mole cricket insect, earwig, bug
mister insect
Hunting beetles‼️catch golden beetle, longhorn beetle, stag beetle, mole cricket insect, earwig, bug
Amazing giant stick bug‼️catch giant ladybirds, stick insects, strawberry spiders, hairy caterpillar
mister insect
Amazing giant stick bug‼️catch giant ladybirds, stick insects, strawberry spiders, hairy caterpillar
Bitten by a Javanese tarantula‼️catching dragonflies, jump spiders, giant mosquitoes, beetles
mister insect
Bitten by a Javanese tarantula‼️catching dragonflies, jump spiders, giant mosquitoes, beetles
I got a cute lappet moth caterpillar‼️catch giraffe mantis, ant, katydid, black beetle, spiny spider
mister insect
I got a cute lappet moth caterpillar‼️catch giraffe mantis, ant, katydid, black beetle, spiny spider
giant katydid bite‼️catching chameleons, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, puss caterpillars, spiders
mister insect
giant katydid bite‼️catching chameleons, beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, puss caterpillars, spiders
Mr insect’s ability to hunt insects is truly extraordinary‼️hunt snakes and giant grasshoppers
mister insect
Mr insect’s ability to hunt insects is truly extraordinary‼️hunt snakes and giant grasshoppers
Hunt various kinds of beautiful small insects in the wild
mister insect
Hunt various kinds of beautiful small insects in the wild
Five baby mice caught‼️catch golden beetle, praying mantis, damselfly, stick bug, cicada, vespa wasp
mister insect
Five baby mice caught‼️catch golden beetle, praying mantis, damselfly, stick bug, cicada, vespa wasp
Save the wasp from the attack of red ants‼️catch clam shell, honey bee, demon horned spider, fish
mister insect
Save the wasp from the attack of red ants‼️catch clam shell, honey bee, demon horned spider, fish
Damselfly hunt‼️catch spider, longlegs spider, crab, water stick insect, damselfly nymph
mister insect
Damselfly hunt‼️catch spider, longlegs spider, crab, water stick insect, damselfly nymph
amazingly found a coral shrimp‼️spider, grasshopper, crab, shrimp, starfish
mister insect
amazingly found a coral shrimp‼️spider, grasshopper, crab, shrimp, starfish
Skills to catch dragonflies and spiders
mister insect
Skills to catch dragonflies and spiders
Catch giant click beetle, brittle starfish, fireworm, sea cucumber, giant slug, hermit crab, urchin
mister insect
Catch giant click beetle, brittle starfish, fireworm, sea cucumber, giant slug, hermit crab, urchin