6 Big Mistakes Teachers Make in MUSIC CENTERS
Becca's Music Room
6 Big Mistakes Teachers Make in MUSIC CENTERS
Using A TISKET A TASKET Singing Game for Half Note, Jazz, + Fun!
Becca's Music Room
Using A TISKET A TASKET Singing Game for Half Note, Jazz, + Fun!
Super Easy JAZZ MUSICIAN BRACKET for Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
Super Easy JAZZ MUSICIAN BRACKET for Elementary Music Class
Winter Music Lessons We're (actually) Using this Month
Becca's Music Room
Winter Music Lessons We're (actually) Using this Month
Becca's Music Room
Centers + Activities for Fall for Elementary Music (that we're actually using)
Becca's Music Room
Centers + Activities for Fall for Elementary Music (that we're actually using)
How to teach QUARTER REST in Elementary Music
Becca's Music Room
How to teach QUARTER REST in Elementary Music
Teacher v. Student Points in MUSIC CLASS (whole group classroom management strategy)
Becca's Music Room
Teacher v. Student Points in MUSIC CLASS (whole group classroom management strategy)
Music Teacher Q&A // Favorite games? Classroom management? Lesson planning?
Becca's Music Room
Music Teacher Q&A // Favorite games? Classroom management? Lesson planning?
Music Classroom Setup Tips
Becca's Music Room
Music Classroom Setup Tips
First Day of School
Becca's Music Room
First Day of School
7 Things that surprised me about going to a new school (that I wish I'd known sooner)
Becca's Music Room
7 Things that surprised me about going to a new school (that I wish I'd known sooner)
Elementary Music Classroom Tour at the END of the School Year (it's well loved)
Becca's Music Room
Elementary Music Classroom Tour at the END of the School Year (it's well loved)
Signs that it's Time to Leave Your School and Find a New Teaching Job...
Becca's Music Room
Signs that it's Time to Leave Your School and Find a New Teaching Job...
Feeling unmotivated, exhausted, or lonely at the end of the year? Here's what you need.
Becca's Music Room
Feeling unmotivated, exhausted, or lonely at the end of the year? Here's what you need.
FREE Rhythm Activity for Spring for Elementary Music Centers
Becca's Music Room
FREE Rhythm Activity for Spring for Elementary Music Centers
2 4 6 8 Meet Me at the Garden Gate Hand Clapping Game for Beat + Rhythm
Becca's Music Room
2 4 6 8 Meet Me at the Garden Gate Hand Clapping Game for Beat + Rhythm
CLOSET KEY // How to Teach the Singing Game for Upper Elementary for Do Re Mi (5th graders love it!)
Becca's Music Room
CLOSET KEY // How to Teach the Singing Game for Upper Elementary for Do Re Mi (5th graders love it!)
How to Play MUSIC WAR Card Game for Rhythm, Dynamics, or Treble Clef
Becca's Music Room
How to Play MUSIC WAR Card Game for Rhythm, Dynamics, or Treble Clef
Tips for STAYING SANE as a Teacher... Even during the rough seasons
Becca's Music Room
Tips for STAYING SANE as a Teacher... Even during the rough seasons
Songs about FROGS for Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade music lessons
Becca's Music Room
Songs about FROGS for Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade music lessons
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Book Based Music Lesson for Beat + Rhythm (K, 1, 2)
Becca's Music Room
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Book Based Music Lesson for Beat + Rhythm (K, 1, 2)
Frog in the Meadow Singing Game for Sol and Mi in Elementary Music
Becca's Music Room
Frog in the Meadow Singing Game for Sol and Mi in Elementary Music
Teaching Music a Week at a Time? Watch this.
Becca's Music Room
Teaching Music a Week at a Time? Watch this.
Super Easy SNOWMAN MOVEMENT Activity for K-2 for Winter Elementary Music Lessons
Becca's Music Room
Super Easy SNOWMAN MOVEMENT Activity for K-2 for Winter Elementary Music Lessons
Snowball Fight Composition FREEBIE for Treble Clef or Solfege
Becca's Music Room
Snowball Fight Composition FREEBIE for Treble Clef or Solfege
How I Teach The Nutcracker with a Virtual Field Trip in Elementary Music
Becca's Music Room
How I Teach The Nutcracker with a Virtual Field Trip in Elementary Music
The Best THANKSGIVING Music Centers for Elementary Music Lessons in November
Becca's Music Room
The Best THANKSGIVING Music Centers for Elementary Music Lessons in November
Turkey Rhythm FREE Thanksgiving Music Craft or Centers Activity
Becca's Music Room
Turkey Rhythm FREE Thanksgiving Music Craft or Centers Activity
The Best HALLOWEEN Listening Lessons for Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
The Best HALLOWEEN Listening Lessons for Elementary Music Class
Using IN THE HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING for in Elementary Music Lessons for upper + lower grades
Becca's Music Room
Using IN THE HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING for in Elementary Music Lessons for upper + lower grades
Music Classroom Setup Part 2
Becca's Music Room
Music Classroom Setup Part 2
Jungle Animal STEADY BEAT Play Along + Movement Activity
Becca's Music Room
Jungle Animal STEADY BEAT Play Along + Movement Activity
Using PASS THE PUMPKIN Halloween Singing Game with Every Grade Level
Becca's Music Room
Using PASS THE PUMPKIN Halloween Singing Game with Every Grade Level
Trick or Treat Halloween Rhythm Game Your Students will LOVE (+a free set!)
Becca's Music Room
Trick or Treat Halloween Rhythm Game Your Students will LOVE (+a free set!)
Classroom Setup Vlog Part 1
Becca's Music Room
Classroom Setup Vlog Part 1
Music Teacher Back to School Q&A // First lessons? Classroom decor? Teaching rules? Concerts?
Becca's Music Room
Music Teacher Back to School Q&A // First lessons? Classroom decor? Teaching rules? Concerts?
3 Steps to Prep YOURSELF for Back to School (as a music teacher!)
Becca's Music Room
3 Steps to Prep YOURSELF for Back to School (as a music teacher!)
Pack Up My Classroom with Me
Becca's Music Room
Pack Up My Classroom with Me
Teaching Update: I got a new job!
Becca's Music Room
Teaching Update: I got a new job!
Spring Music Centers for Elementary Music (+a flower rhythm freebie!)
Becca's Music Room
Spring Music Centers for Elementary Music (+a flower rhythm freebie!)
Classroom management tools that just make sense in my elementary music class
Becca's Music Room
Classroom management tools that just make sense in my elementary music class
Summer themed elementary music lessons with movement and centers ideas for the end of the year
Becca's Music Room
Summer themed elementary music lessons with movement and centers ideas for the end of the year
Summer camp lessons for 2-3 grade music
Becca's Music Room
Summer camp lessons for 2-3 grade music
Summer camp day 2 for elementary music in kindergarten and first grade
Becca's Music Room
Summer camp day 2 for elementary music in kindergarten and first grade
Summer camp music lessons for kindergarten and first grade (first at of camp!)
Becca's Music Room
Summer camp music lessons for kindergarten and first grade (first at of camp!)
Working on common solfege problems in second and third grade music lessons #elementarymusic
Becca's Music Room
Working on common solfege problems in second and third grade music lessons #elementarymusic
Second grade plays along with Beethoven symphony with quarter rest in elementary music #musiclesson
Becca's Music Room
Second grade plays along with Beethoven symphony with quarter rest in elementary music #musiclesson
Elementary music classroom tour #musiclesson #elementarymusic
Becca's Music Room
Elementary music classroom tour #musiclesson #elementarymusic
When the music teacher tricks you all year long…. #musiclesson #elementarymusic #rhythm
Becca's Music Room
When the music teacher tricks you all year long…. #musiclesson #elementarymusic #rhythm
Spring rhythm composition activity for elementary music centers at the end of the school year
Becca's Music Room
Spring rhythm composition activity for elementary music centers at the end of the school year
Super easy movement activities to combat spring fever during the end of the school year #musiclesson
Becca's Music Room
Super easy movement activities to combat spring fever during the end of the school year #musiclesson
Quiet Music Lessons for Testing Season in Elementary Music (with singing games + centers activities)
Becca's Music Room
Quiet Music Lessons for Testing Season in Elementary Music (with singing games + centers activities)
Spring matching games for elementary music centers #musiclesson #elementarymusic #rhythm
Becca's Music Room
Spring matching games for elementary music centers #musiclesson #elementarymusic #rhythm
A quiet (but fun!) elementary music lesson for reading rhythms during testing season #musiclesson
Becca's Music Room
A quiet (but fun!) elementary music lesson for reading rhythms during testing season #musiclesson
5 easy elementary music center ideas to practice rhythm and melody #musiclesson #elementarymusic
Becca's Music Room
5 easy elementary music center ideas to practice rhythm and melody #musiclesson #elementarymusic
I had no words in my 5th grade elementary music class today… #rhythm #musiclesson #elementarymusic
Becca's Music Room
I had no words in my 5th grade elementary music class today… #rhythm #musiclesson #elementarymusic
SUPER LOW PREP Elementary Music Centers Ideas to Save Your Sanity (and your wallet!)
Becca's Music Room
SUPER LOW PREP Elementary Music Centers Ideas to Save Your Sanity (and your wallet!)
Elementary Music CENTERS Q&A // Getting centers ideas? Noise level? Students can't handle centers?
Becca's Music Room
Elementary Music CENTERS Q&A // Getting centers ideas? Noise level? Students can't handle centers?
1st day of elementary music centers in 2nd grade
Becca's Music Room
1st day of elementary music centers in 2nd grade
3 Ways to Increase Engagement in Elementary Music Class (all the way to the end of the year!)
Becca's Music Room
3 Ways to Increase Engagement in Elementary Music Class (all the way to the end of the year!)
How to Teach BEAT V. RHYTHM to Kindergarten + 1st Grade in Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
How to Teach BEAT V. RHYTHM to Kindergarten + 1st Grade in Elementary Music Class
Virtual field trip to Ireland to learn about Irish music in elementary music class for St. Patrick
Becca's Music Room
Virtual field trip to Ireland to learn about Irish music in elementary music class for St. Patrick
Easy Ways to ADD MORE INSTRUMENTS to Your Elementary Music Lessons
Becca's Music Room
Easy Ways to ADD MORE INSTRUMENTS to Your Elementary Music Lessons
7 Favorite RHYTHM CENTERS for Elementary Music (that work with any rhythm or grade!)
Becca's Music Room
7 Favorite RHYTHM CENTERS for Elementary Music (that work with any rhythm or grade!)
Movement + Quarter Rest Lesson with Beethoven's 7th Symphony for 2nd Grade Music Lessons
Becca's Music Room
Movement + Quarter Rest Lesson with Beethoven's 7th Symphony for 2nd Grade Music Lessons
Tips for teaching music the week of Valentine’s Day #teacher
Becca's Music Room
Tips for teaching music the week of Valentine’s Day #teacher
Roll a measure rhythm composing activity for elementary music centers about meter and time signature
Becca's Music Room
Roll a measure rhythm composing activity for elementary music centers about meter and time signature
Free elementary music lesson for Black History Month featuring famous jazz musicians #teacher
Becca's Music Room
Free elementary music lesson for Black History Month featuring famous jazz musicians #teacher
8 Valentine's Day Music Lessons Your Kids will Love (even when they are hopped up on candy!)
Becca's Music Room
8 Valentine's Day Music Lessons Your Kids will Love (even when they are hopped up on candy!)
This is why we do singing games in elementary music class— they teach and are engaging! #teacher
Becca's Music Room
This is why we do singing games in elementary music class— they teach and are engaging! #teacher
LOVE SOMEBODY // Upper grades singing game to learn sixteenth notes + perfect for Valentine's Day
Becca's Music Room
LOVE SOMEBODY // Upper grades singing game to learn sixteenth notes + perfect for Valentine's Day
Egg shaker routine to Vivaldi’s winter for first grade elementary music lessons with instruments
Becca's Music Room
Egg shaker routine to Vivaldi’s winter for first grade elementary music lessons with instruments
Snowman theme solfege matching game for winter in elementary music class
Becca's Music Room
Snowman theme solfege matching game for winter in elementary music class
Apparently this is the “funnest” thing we’ve ever done in elementary music… and it involves solfege!
Becca's Music Room
Apparently this is the “funnest” thing we’ve ever done in elementary music… and it involves solfege!
Instrument CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT for Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
Instrument CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT for Elementary Music Class
Holiday Rhythm Game that's Active and Super Low Prep for December Elementary Music Lessons
Becca's Music Room
Holiday Rhythm Game that's Active and Super Low Prep for December Elementary Music Lessons
EASY Holiday Elementary Music Lessons for Weeks When You’re Too Busy to Plan
Becca's Music Room
EASY Holiday Elementary Music Lessons for Weeks When You’re Too Busy to Plan
How I LAMINATE, Prep, and STORE my Elementary Music Centers
Becca's Music Room
How I LAMINATE, Prep, and STORE my Elementary Music Centers
Setting Up Your FIRST DAY OF CENTER for Success in Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
Setting Up Your FIRST DAY OF CENTER for Success in Elementary Music Class
Elementary Music CENTERS for Fall + Halloween
Becca's Music Room
Elementary Music CENTERS for Fall + Halloween
The Best Halloween Folk Songs for Elementary Music (spooky + non-spooky!)
Becca's Music Room
The Best Halloween Folk Songs for Elementary Music (spooky + non-spooky!)
Elementary Music Centers Q + A // Frequently asked questions about using centers in general music
Becca's Music Room
Elementary Music Centers Q + A // Frequently asked questions about using centers in general music
What to do when your Lesson Plan Goes Off the Rails in elementary music class
Becca's Music Room
What to do when your Lesson Plan Goes Off the Rails in elementary music class
IM HERBST Autumn Listening Lesson with Movement, Picture Book, and Writing Activities
Becca's Music Room
IM HERBST Autumn Listening Lesson with Movement, Picture Book, and Writing Activities
How I Run My MUSIC CENTERS in Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
How I Run My MUSIC CENTERS in Elementary Music Class
Practical Tips to Build Relationships with Your Students (yes, all 700 of them)
Becca's Music Room
Practical Tips to Build Relationships with Your Students (yes, all 700 of them)
Quien es esa gente // Mexican folk song for sol + mi or quarter rest
Becca's Music Room
Quien es esa gente // Mexican folk song for sol + mi or quarter rest
4-5 Grade Back to School Lessons for Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
4-5 Grade Back to School Lessons for Elementary Music Class
How to do CENTERS DIFFERENTIATION for Elementary Music-- the EASY way!
Becca's Music Room
How to do CENTERS DIFFERENTIATION for Elementary Music-- the EASY way!
Classroom Management TOOLS for Your Elementary Music Class (that you already have!)
Becca's Music Room
Classroom Management TOOLS for Your Elementary Music Class (that you already have!)
Back to School Lessons for 2-3 Grade Elementary Music Class
Becca's Music Room
Back to School Lessons for 2-3 Grade Elementary Music Class
Answering Your Back to School Questions // Music teacher Q&A chatty classes, music on cart, lessons
Becca's Music Room
Answering Your Back to School Questions // Music teacher Q&A chatty classes, music on cart, lessons
Centers Classroom Management // How to keep your elementary music class under control during centers
Becca's Music Room
Centers Classroom Management // How to keep your elementary music class under control during centers
BACK TO SCHOOL Activities for Kindergarten + 1st grade Elementary Music Classes (1st month!)
Becca's Music Room
BACK TO SCHOOL Activities for Kindergarten + 1st grade Elementary Music Classes (1st month!)
The Card System for Classroom Management // the classroom management strategy I use elementary music
Becca's Music Room
The Card System for Classroom Management // the classroom management strategy I use elementary music
Beginning of the Year CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Tips to Start this Year off Right in Elementary Music
Becca's Music Room
Beginning of the Year CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Tips to Start this Year off Right in Elementary Music
My Favorite 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL Activities for Each Grade in Elementary Music during Back to School
Becca's Music Room
My Favorite 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL Activities for Each Grade in Elementary Music during Back to School
4 Things to Do BEFORE Your 1st Day of Elementary Music Centers to Make Them Go Smoothly
Becca's Music Room
4 Things to Do BEFORE Your 1st Day of Elementary Music Centers to Make Them Go Smoothly
Shark Attack! Rhythm game for elementary music centers (+FREEBIE!)
Becca's Music Room
Shark Attack! Rhythm game for elementary music centers (+FREEBIE!)