vibe-coding a full-stack app (full walkthrough + technical vs non-technical vibe-coders)
Jeffrey Codes
vibe-coding a full-stack app (full walkthrough + technical vs non-technical vibe-coders)
How AI Becomes Human [pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, reinforcement learning, and more]
Jeffrey Codes
How AI Becomes Human [pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, reinforcement learning, and more]
The best AI book for software engineers?
Jeffrey Codes
The best AI book for software engineers?
Chapter 10 of AI Engineering #dailyvlog #aiengineering #programming
Jeffrey Codes
Chapter 10 of AI Engineering #dailyvlog #aiengineering #programming
Chapter 9 of AI Engineering - Inference Optimization #aiengineering #mindmap #dailyvlog
Jeffrey Codes
Chapter 9 of AI Engineering - Inference Optimization #aiengineering #mindmap #dailyvlog
Routing in LLM Workflows (building an AI-powered app)
Jeffrey Codes
Routing in LLM Workflows (building an AI-powered app)
how to make studying fun
Jeffrey Codes
how to make studying fun
how I studied 4 hours every day with a job and a family
Jeffrey Codes
how I studied 4 hours every day with a job and a family
my first ai-powered app
Jeffrey Codes
my first ai-powered app
one year of studying (it was a mistake)
Jeffrey Codes
one year of studying (it was a mistake)
Cursor - an AI-powered VSCode fork
Jeffrey Codes
Cursor - an AI-powered VSCode fork
Intro to React - Build a Kanban Board
Jeffrey Codes
Intro to React - Build a Kanban Board
Catching Monsters [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 14]
Jeffrey Codes
Catching Monsters [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 14]
Svelte Stores
Jeffrey Codes
Svelte Stores
Building a Navbar [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 12]
Jeffrey Codes
Building a Navbar [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 12]
Filesystem-Based Routing in SvelteKit [Intro SvelteKit 1.0, part 11]
Jeffrey Codes
Filesystem-Based Routing in SvelteKit [Intro SvelteKit 1.0, part 11]
Dynamic data loading [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 10]
Jeffrey Codes
Dynamic data loading [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 10]
Forms and inputs [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 9]
Jeffrey Codes
Forms and inputs [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 9]
Reusable Components with Props [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 8]
Jeffrey Codes
Reusable Components with Props [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 8]
Query Parameters - goto, link tags, and multiple searchParams [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 7]
Jeffrey Codes
Query Parameters - goto, link tags, and multiple searchParams [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 7]
Styling our Pokedex [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 5]
Jeffrey Codes
Styling our Pokedex [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 5]
Reactivity and Interaction in Svelte [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 6]
Jeffrey Codes
Reactivity and Interaction in Svelte [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 6]
Loading Data and SSR [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 4]
Jeffrey Codes
Loading Data and SSR [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 4]
Each loops and objects [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 3]
Jeffrey Codes
Each loops and objects [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 3]
Creating a SvelteKit 1.0 app [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 2]
Jeffrey Codes
Creating a SvelteKit 1.0 app [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 2]
Why SvelteKit?  [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 1]
Jeffrey Codes
Why SvelteKit? [Intro to SvelteKit 1.0, part 1]
Svelte vs Vue - the Svelte compiler is AWESOME
Jeffrey Codes
Svelte vs Vue - the Svelte compiler is AWESOME
AstroJS - React and Vue components on the same page, sharing data
Jeffrey Codes
AstroJS - React and Vue components on the same page, sharing data
Sql.js - full SQLite in the browser
Jeffrey Codes
Sql.js - full SQLite in the browser
localStorage in VueJS
Jeffrey Codes
localStorage in VueJS
Keyboard Shortcuts in Vue 3 [including modifier keys and key combinations]
Jeffrey Codes
Keyboard Shortcuts in Vue 3 [including modifier keys and key combinations]
Should I use v-memo? | VueJS 3.2 | #shorts
Jeffrey Codes
Should I use v-memo? | VueJS 3.2 | #shorts
5 common mistakes with Vue Composition API
Jeffrey Codes
5 common mistakes with Vue Composition API
v-model in Vue 3 (new syntax and improvements from Vue 2)
Jeffrey Codes
v-model in Vue 3 (new syntax and improvements from Vue 2)
Vue 3 Composition API [Experts Series - Filip Rakowski]
Jeffrey Codes
Vue 3 Composition API [Experts Series - Filip Rakowski]
Generating Sitemap XML for Static and Dynamic Nuxt Routes - Nuxt Sitemap, Part 1
Jeffrey Codes
Generating Sitemap XML for Static and Dynamic Nuxt Routes - Nuxt Sitemap, Part 1
Custom Types and Literal Types - TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 6
Jeffrey Codes
Custom Types and Literal Types - TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 6
Smart Redirect after Login
Jeffrey Codes
Smart Redirect after Login
Functions and Types in Typescript -- TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 5
Jeffrey Codes
Functions and Types in Typescript -- TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 5
A Quick Tour of TypeScript’s Basic Types-- TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 4
Jeffrey Codes
A Quick Tour of TypeScript’s Basic Types-- TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 4
Introduction to TypeScript’s Types -- TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 3
Jeffrey Codes
Introduction to TypeScript’s Types -- TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 3
Installing TypeScript, Transpiling and Watching Files - TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 2
Jeffrey Codes
Installing TypeScript, Transpiling and Watching Files - TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 2
Which Vue Developers should learn TypeScript? - TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 1
Jeffrey Codes
Which Vue Developers should learn TypeScript? - TypeScript: The Vue Parts, Part 1
Building a Reusable Pagination Component in VueJS
Jeffrey Codes
Building a Reusable Pagination Component in VueJS
39 Seconds with VueScreencasts - #1, Feb 20, 2020
Jeffrey Codes
39 Seconds with VueScreencasts - #1, Feb 20, 2020
Nuxt Auth: Why does loginWith call both ‘login' and ‘user' API endpoints? (Source dive)
Jeffrey Codes
Nuxt Auth: Why does loginWith call both ‘login' and ‘user' API endpoints? (Source dive)
VueX Strict Mode - Write better forms while keeping all VueX State changes inside mutation
Jeffrey Codes
VueX Strict Mode - Write better forms while keeping all VueX State changes inside mutation
Using MirageJS to mock a backend API in Vue
Jeffrey Codes
Using MirageJS to mock a backend API in Vue
Fixing our Prop Definitions (Building a VueJS App Part 29)
Jeffrey Codes
Fixing our Prop Definitions (Building a VueJS App Part 29)
Building Complex Data Tables with Vuetify's v-data-table and VueJS
Jeffrey Codes
Building Complex Data Tables with Vuetify's v-data-table and VueJS
VueJS: Secure File Upload to S3, Directly from the Browser
Jeffrey Codes
VueJS: Secure File Upload to S3, Directly from the Browser
Making our VueJS app look nicer (Building a VueJS App Part 26)
Jeffrey Codes
Making our VueJS app look nicer (Building a VueJS App Part 26)
Vue 2.6 Slots - Basic, Named, and Scoped Slots - Making better, more flexible Components
Jeffrey Codes
Vue 2.6 Slots - Basic, Named, and Scoped Slots - Making better, more flexible Components
Markdown and Syntax Highlighting in VueJS, compatible with Nuxt and SSR
Jeffrey Codes
Markdown and Syntax Highlighting in VueJS, compatible with Nuxt and SSR
Nuxt Plugins - How to use arbitrary Vue libraries in your NuxtJS app
Jeffrey Codes
Nuxt Plugins - How to use arbitrary Vue libraries in your NuxtJS app
Upgrading our Video Creation and Editing Form (Building a VueJS App Part 22)
Jeffrey Codes
Upgrading our Video Creation and Editing Form (Building a VueJS App Part 22)
Nuxt Universal SSR Deployment to Heroku — includes connecting to an API and debugging Vuetify
Jeffrey Codes
Nuxt Universal SSR Deployment to Heroku — includes connecting to an API and debugging Vuetify
Nuxt Auth - Authentication and Authorization in NuxtJS
Jeffrey Codes
Nuxt Auth - Authentication and Authorization in NuxtJS
Moving our Admin pages to NuxtJS (Assembling a serious Nuxt app, part 4)
Jeffrey Codes
Moving our Admin pages to NuxtJS (Assembling a serious Nuxt app, part 4)
NuxtJS + VueX: Deserialization, load strategies, middleware (Assembling a serious Nuxt app, part 3)
Jeffrey Codes
NuxtJS + VueX: Deserialization, load strategies, middleware (Assembling a serious Nuxt app, part 3)
Real-world challenges with NuxtJS and Server-Side Rendering (Assembling a serious NuxtJS app part 2)
Jeffrey Codes
Real-world challenges with NuxtJS and Server-Side Rendering (Assembling a serious NuxtJS app part 2)
The Channel Formerly Known As Jeffrey Biles (quick meta-update)
Jeffrey Codes
The Channel Formerly Known As Jeffrey Biles (quick meta-update)
Introduction to NuxtJS - Nested and dynamic pages, layouts, asyncData + axios, meta tags, and VueX
Jeffrey Codes
Introduction to NuxtJS - Nested and dynamic pages, layouts, asyncData + axios, meta tags, and VueX
VueX Modules (Building a VueJS App Part 15)
Jeffrey Codes
VueX Modules (Building a VueJS App Part 15)
Complete CRUD in ONE page -- includes inline editing (Building a VueJS App Part 14)
Jeffrey Codes
Complete CRUD in ONE page -- includes inline editing (Building a VueJS App Part 14)
Vuetify's ComboBox + VueX debugging to add video tags  (Building a VueJS App Part 13)
Jeffrey Codes
Vuetify's ComboBox + VueX debugging to add video tags (Building a VueJS App Part 13)
Many-to-Many relationships in VueX (Building a VueJS App Part 12)
Jeffrey Codes
Many-to-Many relationships in VueX (Building a VueJS App Part 12)
Refactoring localstorage persistence to server using VueX and Axios (Building a VueJS App Part 11)
Jeffrey Codes
Refactoring localstorage persistence to server using VueX and Axios (Building a VueJS App Part 11)
Notifications using Vuetify's snackbar component (Building a VueJS App Part 10)
Jeffrey Codes
Notifications using Vuetify's snackbar component (Building a VueJS App Part 10)
Is our app secure enough? (Building a VueJS app part 9.1)
Jeffrey Codes
Is our app secure enough? (Building a VueJS app part 9.1)
VueJS Auth Part 2 - Navigation guards and Token Authentication (Building a VueJS App Part 9 )
Jeffrey Codes
VueJS Auth Part 2 - Navigation guards and Token Authentication (Building a VueJS App Part 9 )
VueJS Auth - Login and registration with email and password (Building a VueJS App Part 8)
Jeffrey Codes
VueJS Auth - Login and registration with email and password (Building a VueJS App Part 8)
Validating Forms with Vuetify (Building a VueJS App Part 7)
Jeffrey Codes
Validating Forms with Vuetify (Building a VueJS App Part 7)
VueX Edit and Delete + Admin Page (Building a VueJS app Part 6)
Jeffrey Codes
VueX Edit and Delete + Admin Page (Building a VueJS app Part 6)
Video Creation Form - Text Inputs + Vuetify + Axios + VueX (Building a VueJS App Part 5)
Jeffrey Codes
Video Creation Form - Text Inputs + Vuetify + Axios + VueX (Building a VueJS App Part 5)
Why not use Vuetify's icon component? (Building a VueJS App Part 4.1)
Jeffrey Codes
Why not use Vuetify's icon component? (Building a VueJS App Part 4.1)
VueX + LocalStorage to track video watch status (Building a VueJS app Part 4)
Jeffrey Codes
VueX + LocalStorage to track video watch status (Building a VueJS app Part 4)
Vuetify: Make a VueJS app look good, even if you're bad at design (Building a VueJS app Part 3)
Jeffrey Codes
Vuetify: Make a VueJS app look good, even if you're bad at design (Building a VueJS app Part 3)
Vuex: Loading data using axios, deserializing JSON API relationships (Building a VueJS app Part 2)
Jeffrey Codes
Vuex: Loading data using axios, deserializing JSON API relationships (Building a VueJS app Part 2)
Building a VueJS app - Part 1 - Getting Started
Jeffrey Codes
Building a VueJS app - Part 1 - Getting Started
sparkcasts 18- Ember Inspector 3- View Tree
Jeffrey Codes
sparkcasts 18- Ember Inspector 3- View Tree
21- sort arrows component
Jeffrey Codes
21- sort arrows component
23 query params
Jeffrey Codes
23 query params
25 advanced handlebars
Jeffrey Codes
25 advanced handlebars
29 toggle table columns
Jeffrey Codes
29 toggle table columns
27 client side pagination part 2 next andprevious page buttons and changing pageSize
Jeffrey Codes
27 client side pagination part 2 next andprevious page buttons and changing pageSize
31- ember inspector 5- data
Jeffrey Codes
31- ember inspector 5- data
35 CRUD pt 2
Jeffrey Codes
35 CRUD pt 2
37 blueprint basics pt 2
Jeffrey Codes
37 blueprint basics pt 2
33 pods
Jeffrey Codes
33 pods
41- Mixins
Jeffrey Codes
41- Mixins
45 custom test helpers
Jeffrey Codes
45 custom test helpers
47 line chart time series with ember cli charts
Jeffrey Codes
47 line chart time series with ember cli charts
49 Image Upload Preview
Jeffrey Codes
49 Image Upload Preview
48 Upload a File as Part of a Form
Jeffrey Codes
48 Upload a File as Part of a Form
46 bar chart ember cli chart
Jeffrey Codes
46 bar chart ember cli chart
42 object instantiation
Jeffrey Codes
42 object instantiation
42- ES2015 template strings
Jeffrey Codes
42- ES2015 template strings
40- Class Inheritance
Jeffrey Codes
40- Class Inheritance
38- es2015- functions minus 'function'
Jeffrey Codes
38- es2015- functions minus 'function'